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The economic dimension of sport in the European Union was calculated by developing a Multi-Regional Sport Satellite Account for the former 27 Member States. It turned out that the sport industry creates about 1.76% of Gross value added and 2.12% of employment within the European Union. Thus, sport is labour intensive, generating a disproportionately high amount of employment. Strengths, weaknesses, growth potentials, as well as national similarities and differences were analysed too.

Educational technology encompasses a wide array of technologies and methodologies that are shaped by stakeholders’ behaviours and affected by contextual factors that, if adequately mixed, can contribute to students and teachers better achieving their goals. Such a wide and complex task cannot be addressed by a simple and single intervention. Comprehensive on-going policies are required, covering technology, methodology, economic and regulatory aspects; in addition,  such policies are dependent on ...

This study reviews the scale and nature of the problem of early school leaving in the EU. It examines in detail how countries are trying to tackle this problem and identifies characteristics of effective policies, leading to a range of recommendations for European and national level actors in the future. The study is based on in-depth country research in nine Member States, as well as analysis of international and national literature.

The study reviews the present state of school physical education by addressing curriculum time allocation, status of the subject, curriculum thematic aims and content, resources (material and human) and gender, disability and ethnic minority issues. Particular attention is paid to physical education, sport and health partnership pathways through references to national case studies. The author provides templates of principles for quality physical education and physical education teacher education ...

This study considers what contribution 'newer biological life sciences' (including medical technology, biotechnology and molecular biology) can make to easing the environmental burden of the Baltic area (the St. Petersburg region and the Baltic States) in the widest sense.