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La puesta en práctica de dos documentos de la Comisión sobre políticas culturales es objeto de examen en un momento en que la Unión está a la espera de nuevos principios rectores para su política cultural. Uno de estos documentos se centra en el papel de la cultura en las relaciones exteriores y en la manera de establecer una estrategia de la Unión al respecto. El otro propone objetivos y acciones específicas en relación con el papel de la cultura en la sociedad y la economía de la Unión.

Founded in 1967, the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) is often compared with the EU. Both organisations brought together former adversaries and successfully resolved tensions through cooperation, helping to bring peace and prosperity to their regions. However, the EU and ASEAN operate in very different ways. ASEAN is a strictly intergovernmental organisation in which decisions are based on consensus. While this approach has made it difficult for south-east Asian countries to achieve ...

This publication provides an assessment of the implementation of the European agenda for culture and of the EU strategy on international cultural relations. It highlights achievements and shortcomings of EU cultural policies, so as to inform and support policy makers ahead of the adoption of the next Council work plan for culture and the potential future revision of the agenda and of the strategy.

Having considered the possibility of merging the Creative Europe programme with other programmes supporting European values, rights and justice, the European Commission has decided to continue the Creative Europe programme as a stand-alone programme, increasing its budget by 17 %. The only programme focusing exclusively on cultural and creative activities and enterprises, it falls under the 'Cohesion and values' heading of the 2021-2027 multiannual financial framework. The previous programme focused ...

The following recommendations present medium- and long-term policy solutions to address the needs identified in the Background Analysis “The Situation of Artists and Cultural Workers and the post-COVID Cultural Recovery in the European Union”. Its aim is to provide guidelines and principles to structure the contents of the European Framework, and hence improve the situation and working conditions of artists and cultural workers in the EU.

El presente documento es un resumen del estudio titulado «Culture and creative sectors in the European Union – Key future developments, challenges and opportunities» (Sectores cultural y creativo en la Unión Europea – Principales cambios, retos y oportunidades del futuro). El estudio completo, disponible en inglés, puede descargarse en: http://bit.ly/2lCi9bw

With the future (1) Rights and Values, (2) Justice and (3) Creative Europe programmes, the European Commission aims to protect better EU rights and values; to develop further a European area of justice; and to support European cultural and creative sectors and audiovisual works under the 2021-2027 multiannual financial framework. This initial appraisal of the Commission’s impact assessment on the proposal finds that the impact assessment is substantiated by various evaluations, studies and consultations ...

The study provides an up-to-date evaluation of the implementation of the selected smaller and bigger actions within the Creative Europe programme (2014 to 2020) with focus on the European dimension and European added value of the undertaken actions as well as their visibility.

Europa Creativa es un programa único en Europa adaptado a las necesidades de los sectores cultural y creativo. Es el principal programa que contribuye a los objetivos de la política cultural de la Unión. Sus prioridades son las adecuadas, pero su presupuesto limitado le impide tener un impacto significativo. Este informe ofrece recomendaciones para un futuro programa más ambicioso que refleje la riqueza de la diversidad cultural europea.

En diciembre de 2017 el Parlamento Europeo tiene previsto celebrar una votación para decidir si concede su aprobación al Acuerdo de Colaboración y Cooperación Reforzadas con Kazajistán, que sustituiría al acuerdo de 1995.