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En 2018, la Comisión adoptó una propuesta para un nuevo Reglamento sobre la Agencia de Guardia Europea de Fronteras y Costas. Entre otros muchos elementos, la propuesta contemplaba la integración del sistema de Documentos Auténticos y Falsos en Red (FADO) en el marco de la Guardia Europea de Fronteras y Costas. Los colegisladores ya han adoptado el nuevo Reglamento sobre la Guardia Europea de Fronteras y Costas, pero han decidido adoptar un acto jurídico separado para fijar el marco jurídico del ...

This briefing, commissioned by the European Parliament’s Policy Department for Citizens’ Rights and Constitutional Affairs, provides an assessment of the state of implementation of the EU Regulation on cross-border succession with a view to determining whether it is fulfilling its goal of ensuring legal certainty, predictability and simplification for citizens. It focusses, in particular, on the provisions on the scope, applicable law, party autonomy and parallelism between forum and jus.

El Reglamento sobre Sucesiones tiene carácter universal, en tanto que, según propiadisposición, la ley designada en virtud del mismo se aplicará aun cuando no sea la deun Estado miembro. El Reglamento sobre Sucesiones se sirve de mecanismos tradicionales del derechointernacional privado, como la cláusula de orden público y el reenvío, cuyaaplicación determina, en determinados supuestos, la alteración de los resultados a losque inicialmente podrían conducir las normas de conflicto, inspiradas en ...

En junio, el Parlamento Europeo debe proceder a la votación (aplazada) sobre una propuesta de Reglamento por el que se facilita la libertad de circulación de los ciudadanos y de las empresas, simplificando los requisitos para presentar determinados documentos públicos expedidos por otro Estado miembro. Con esta propuesta, que es una de las iniciativas clave presentadas por la Comisión durante 2013, Año Europeo de los Ciudadanos, también se pretende contribuir a la política de la Unión de «justicia ...

Around 2.5% of the EU population is resident in a Member State (MS) other than that of their origin. In the past decade, increasing numbers of EU citizens have taken advantage of free movement within the internal market, wishing to live, work or study in another MS. However, according to the European Commission, this freedom may be curtailed in practice by the need for European citizens and legal persons to have the host State recognise public documents and certificates from their State of origin ...

This note seeks to provide an initial analysis of the European Commission's Impact Assessment (IA) accompanying its proposal for a Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council on promoting the free movement of citizens and businesses by simplifying the acceptance of certain public documents in the European Union and amending Regulation (EU) 1024/2012 (COM (2013) 228), which was submitted in April 2013. It analyses whether the principal criteria laid down in the Commission’s own Impact ...

Cost of Non Europe Reports are intended to evaluate the possibilities for gains and the realisation of a ‘public good’ through common action at EU level in specific policy areas and sectors. In particular, this study analyses the cost for citizens and businesses of the formalities which are currently necessary in order to make certain public documents acceptable in different Member States. The study concludes that the abolition of legalisation and Apostille, the simplified certification of copies ...

Free movement of public documents

Briefing 19-06-2013

The numbers of Europeans working, studying or living in another Member State has grown to over 12 million. As part of daily life they are often required to present formal documents in one Member State which have been issued in another. In most cases, these documents are not accepted automatically but must undergo a process of authentication which can be both time consuming and costly.  The traditional method of authentication, known as ""legalisation"", which involved a series of separate checks ...

Re-use of public sector information

De un vistazo 06-06-2013

The EU public sector information (PSI) market for digital content products and services was estimated to be worth €28 billion in 2008. Opening up greater access had the potential to add €40 billion per annum of further revenue. The proposed revision to the first PSI directive aims to correct differences arising among Member States, improve access and ensure the effective cross-border use of public sector data.

The right of every citizen of the Union to move and reside freely within the territory of the Member States, as laid down by Article 21 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union, implies the right to have their civil identity recognised, i.e., in legal terms, to have their status recognised, as formalised by civil status documents. This firstly means that citizens must be able to easily prove their civil status when exercising their right of movement. Secondly, they must be able to have ...