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On 5 July 2023, the Commission tabled a proposal for a regulation on certain new genomic techniques (NGTs). It establishes two categories of plants obtained by NGTs: plants comparable to naturally occurring or conventional plants, and plants with modifications that are more complex. The two categories will be subject to different requirements to reach the market, taking into account their differing characteristics and risk profiles. Feedback from stakeholders is mixed. While industry interest groups ...

Entre 2019 y 2021, la Iniciativa Ciudadana Europea (ICE) «Salvemos a las abejas y a los agricultores» recogió más de un millón de firmas. La ICE pide que se reduzca el uso de plaguicidas hasta llegar a la eliminación completa de aquí a 2035. La Comisión Europea ha acogido favorablemente la iniciativa. El Parlamento Europeo, tras una audiencia celebrada en enero de 2023, la debatirá en su período parcial de sesiones de marzo I.

El presente documento constituye el resumen del estudio titulado Cadenas de valor mundiales: Posibles sinergias entre la política comercial exterior y las iniciativas económicas internas para abordar las dependencias estratégicas de la UE. El estudio completo, que está disponible en inglés, puede descargarse en el siguiente enlace: https://www.europarl.europa.eu/RegData/etudes/STUD/2023/702582/EXPO_STU(2023)702582_EN.pdf.

CAP strategic plans

De un vistazo 14-10-2020

The European Commission adopted three legislative proposals on the future of the common agricultural policy (CAP) on 1 June 2018. One of the three proposals includes a regulation on CAP strategic plans. While the CAP retains its two-pillar structure, (Pillar I, agricultural income and market support, Pillar II rural development), interventions under both will be combined in one strategic plan for all CAP expenditure. Each Member State will be required to develop a strategic plan, setting out their ...

Farming without plant protection products

Análisis en profundidad 04-03-2019

Plant Protection Products (PPPs) are often perceived by consumers as very harmful for human health and for the environment. The tendency in the EU policy is to stimulate the reduction of PPPs. Can we maintain high yield with less PPPs? This paper presents the current state of the art regarding the role of PPPs in securing global food production, preserving biodiversity and supporting farmer’s income. The role of various stakeholders on the current perception of risk by the general public is given ...

The April plenary session's highlight was the debate on the future of Europe with the President of the French Republic, Emmanuel Macron, detailing his ambitions for a reinvigorated Europe, ready to face existing and emerging challenges. Members also heard from the European Council and Commission Presidents on the outcome of the March European Council meeting. High Representative Federica Mogherini made statements on the UN global compacts for migration and refugees, Syria, Russia, the situation in ...

En 2014 la Comisión Europea adoptó una propuesta de Reglamento sobre producción ecológica y etiquetado de los productos ecológicos. Dicha propuesta, cuyo objetivo es revisar la legislación vigente sobre producción ecológica a fin de eliminar los obstáculos para el desarrollo sostenible del sector, está destinada a reforzar las normativas sobre el sistema de control, el régimen comercial, las diferentes prácticas en materia de bienestar animal y la utilización de sustancias no autorizadas. El Reglamento ...

Developing organic production is an EU policy objective. While the EU organic market is constantly expanding, only 6 % of total EU agricultural area is used for organic cultivation, and the difference between EU demand and production is covered by growing imports. To overcome the regulatory obstacles to the development of the sector and increase consumer confidence in the EU organic logo, the Commission adopted a proposal in March 2014 for a regulation on organic production and labelling of organic ...

This study reviews existing scientific evidence regarding the impact of organic food on human health from an EU perspective, with a focus on public health. The development of environmentally sustainable and healthy food systems is an international priority. The study examines how organic food and organic agriculture can contribute to this in relation to public health. Human and animal studies directly addressing the health effects of organic food are reviewed. Furthermore, evidence linking principles ...

Biodiversity and agriculture

Briefing 21-06-2016

In its mid-term review of the Biodiversity strategy, the European Commission identified a continuing decline in the species and habitats associated with agriculture. It concluded that the strategy was not fulfilling expectations with regard to the contribution of agriculture and forestry to maintaining and enhancing biodiversity. Numerous studies show that agricultural biodiversity loss is linked to intensification of agricultural activities on the one hand, and the abandonment of farming on the ...