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People with disabilities still find it hard to participate in elections in the European Union. This infographic compares national practices aimed at helping people with disabilities exercise their electoral rights in the EU.

One in four people in the European Union has some form of disability. Over time, the EU has paid more attention to the issue of free movement for persons with disabilities, and in February 2016 launched a European disability card scheme as a pilot project in eight Member States. Based on the experience and assessment of the EU disability card pilot project and the European parking card for persons with disabilities, the European Commission launched a legislative initiative on 6 September 2023 to ...

El Defensor del Pueblo Europeo presentó su Informe Anual de 2022 al Parlamento Europeo en abril de 2023. Las principales cuestiones planteadas en el informe se refieren a las preocupaciones éticas, la transparencia y la rendición de cuentas. El informe también ofrece una visión general de la tramitación de reclamaciones e investigaciones, así como una evaluación de los demás logros del Defensor del Pueblo en 2022. La Comisión de Peticiones ha debatido el informe y lo ha aprobado; este se someterá ...

As the mobility of people in the EU's ageing societies increases, so does the need to protect a particular group – vulnerable adults. Because of an impairment or insufficiency in their personal faculties, these adults are unable to protect their interests and have to rely on support from others. While all EU Member States have established legal provisions and practices addressing these people's needs, they are highly divergent, for example, as regards powers of representation. Besides these national ...

The IA supporting the proposal for a European disability card and a European parking card builds on the experience of two instruments already in place: i) the EU disability card pilot project rolled out in eight participating Member States since 2016, and ii) the EU parking card for persons with disabilities, introduced EU-wide in 1998 through Council Recommendation 98/376/EC. The IA draws on a wide range of data, including a supporting study (which, however, is not linked and does not seem to have ...

The EU and its Member States have signed the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, and use its definition of disability as a common reference at EU level. There is no other harmonised definition of disability in the EU. Although a wide variety of statistical surveys are available in terms of questions asked and population surveyed, a complete statistical assessment of disability in the EU does not yet exist. However, the annual Eurostat statistics on income and living conditions ...

This study provides an in-depth analysis of the Proposal for a Directive establishing the European Disability Card and the European Parking Card for persons with disabilities, and outlines recommendations. This Proposal represents an important stepping stone to promote free movement of persons with disabilities. It is based on mutual recognition of disability status, but does not harmonise disability assessments. It would ensure that holders of the cards may avail of disability benefits in a range ...

Este estudio, encargado por el Departamento Temático de Derechos de los Ciudadanos y Asuntos Constitucionales del Parlamento Europeo a petición de la Comisión PETI, analiza el impacto de la crisis actual del coste de la vida y de la energía en el nivel de vida de las personas con discapacidad. Basado en las pruebas disponibles, ofrece una visión general de la legislación, las medidas políticas y los regímenes que ayudan a las personas con discapacidad y a sus familias a hacer frente al aumento del ...

On 25 November 2021, the European Commission put forward a proposal to modify Council Directive 94/80/EC on the right of mobile EU citizens to vote and stand as candidates in municipal elections. The proposal tied in with the Commission President's priority for a new push for European democracy. The proposal was presented together with three others: a proposal to modify Directive 93/109/EC on EU citizens' right to vote and stand as candidates in elections to the European Parliament; a proposal on ...

More than 8 months into Russia's war on Ukraine, there is no end in sight. The invasion has forced millions of people to flee Ukraine or seek refuge in other parts of the country, causing a European humanitarian crisis of enormous proportions. The chaos created by the conflict has increased the risk of violence and exploitation exponentially, especially for the most vulnerable people, such as those with disabilities. Estimates show that around 2.7 million people with disabilities in Ukraine face ...