

Mostrando 10 de 37 resultados

Victims of terrorism: EU response

De un vistazo 08-03-2024

On 11 March, Europe honours all those who have lost their lives or loved ones to terror. The European Day of Remembrance of Victims of Terrorism was inaugurated after the 2004 Madrid bombings. Protecting victims of terrorism is an essential part of the EU's efforts to address all dimensions of the terrorist threat. In response to the attacks that have hit Europe over the past two decades, the EU has strengthened its rules and sanctions relating to terrorist activities. Ongoing EU action seeks to ...

This study seeks to present a comprehensive overview of non-legislative resolutions adopted by the Parliament between July 2019 and December 2021 on the basis of own-initiative reports, in the light of the response provided by the Commission, the subsequent follow-up documents and related actions undertaken by the Commission up to 31 January 2022. The publication is part of Parliament’s Strategic Execution Framework (2019-2021). The aim of this joint DG PRES and DG EPRS project on 'Improved reporting ...

Durante el período parcial de sesiones de junio II, el Parlamento Europeo adoptará previsiblemente un nuevo Reglamento del Parlamento Europeo sobre el ejercicio de las funciones del Defensor del Pueblo Europeo (Estatuto del Defensor del Pueblo Europeo), que sustituirá al actual, adoptado en 2008. Es el paso siguiente al debate sobre el nuevo texto durante la sesión de junio I y posterior aprobación del proyecto por parte del Consejo.

Estado de la Unión de las pymes

De un vistazo 02-06-2021

Durante el período parcial de sesiones de junio I de 2021, el Parlamento celebrará un debate conjunto sobre el «Estado de la Unión de las pymes» y sobre los esfuerzos para reducir la carga administrativa de las microempresas y pequeñas y medianas empresas (pymes) en el contexto del Programa de Mejora de la Legislación, actualizado recientemente.

Por toda la Unión se crían en jaulas millones de animales, en condiciones que menoscaban gravemente su bienestar. La iniciativa ciudadana europea «End the Cage Age» (Acabemos con las jaulas) pide a la Comisión Europea que acabe con la práctica de mantener enjaulados a los animales de granja y que proponga normas para prohibirla. En respuesta a esta iniciativa, se espera que el Parlamento Europeo celebre un debate sobre este asunto y vote una resolución durante su período parcial de sesiones de junio ...

Access to medicinal products

Estudio 01-05-2021

There are many factors that can prevent a patient from being able to obtain the medicine they need, ranging from selective marketing decisions by companies to products being too expensive or pharmacy stock-outs. Because of national differences in health systems and market characteristics, access to medicine is not evenly distributed across the European Union. In response to observed problems with access to medicine, in 2017 the European Parliament adopted a resolution containing 58 recommendations ...

El poder y el papel de las plataformas de redes sociales en relación con la moderación de los contenidos publicados por sus usuarios están cada vez más sometidos a control. Hay un intenso debate entre los responsables políticos y, de manera más amplia, entre la población acerca de si las plataformas de redes sociales deben estar sujetas a medidas más estrictas y a supervisión pública. Durante el Pleno de febrero, se espera que el Consejo y la Comisión hagan declaraciones sobre el control democrático ...

During the November II plenary session, the European Parliament is due to debate an own-initiative report on the foreign policy consequences of the coronavirus pandemic. Considering the pandemic a 'game changer', the report makes the case for stronger and more effective EU external policies, along with a set of recommendations.

This study seeks to present a comprehensive overview of non-legislative resolutions adopted by Parliament between January 2017 and May 2019 on the basis of own-initiative reports, in the light of the response provided by the Commission and the subsequent follow-up documents and related actions undertaken by the Commission up to 1 January 2020.

Jewish communities in the European Union

De un vistazo 23-01-2020

The Jewish population in the EU has been diminishing in recent decades, and has witnessed an increase in acts of anti-Semitism and anti-Jewish violence in recent years. In defence of its values, including respect for minorities, the EU undertakes and funds actions to counter anti-Semitism. This is a further updated version of an 'at a glance' note published in January 2019.