

Mostrando 7 de 7 resultados

La propuesta de la Comisión Europea de 2018 de revisar el Fondo Europeo de Adaptación a la Globalización, modificada en el marco del Plan de Recuperación para Europa de 2020, introduce cambios en los criterios de elegibilidad, en las normas de cofinanciación y en el procedimiento de movilización. Al margen de los límites máximos del marco financiero plurianual (MFP) 2021-2027, debe seguir sirviendo como fondo de solidaridad y emergencia utilizado sobre una base ad hoc. Tras un acuerdo temprano en ...

This document, provided by Policy Department A for the Employment and Social Affairs Committee, presents key findings of the study examine the employment situation of parents with young children in the EU and specifically, the factors that affect parents’ return to the labour market.

This study examines the employment situation of parents with young children in the EU and specifically, the factors that affect parents’ return to the labour market. The paper identifies interventions that could help parents return to work after family-related leave and improve labour-market integration of unemployed or inactive parents. The study outlines possible additional actions at the EU level. This document was provided by Policy Department A at the request of the Employment and Social ...

La Comisión Europea ha propuesto movilizar 2 054 400 EUR del Fondo Europeo de Adaptación a la Globalización (FEAG) para hacer frente a los despidos en los sectores auxiliares relacionados con la construcción naval en Galicia (España) como consecuencia de las dificultades financieras de dos astilleros de la región. La Comisión de Presupuestos del Parlamento Europeo (BUDG) respalda la propuesta y reitera que la ayuda del FEAG no debe sustituir a las medidas que sean responsabilidad de las empresas ...

The European Globalisation Adjustment Fund (EGF) was created in 2006 to finance active labour market policies targeting workers who have lost their jobs because of trade adjustment. The fund was subsequently modified in 2009 to cover major structural changes triggered by the economic and financial crisis. The rules of the EGF are laid down in EU Regulation (EU) No 1309/2013, which stipulates that the fund will continue to be financed until 31 December 2020. In May 2018, the European Commission submitted ...

The Commission proposes to establish a European Social Plus (ESF+) by merging different funds and programmes, and a strengthened European Globalisation Adjustment Fund (EGF). These proposals would contribute to implement the European Pillar of Social Rights and enhance social Europe. The impact assessment report (IA) concerning the proposals explains the challenges of funding and the defined objectives of the proposals. In relation to the proposed measures, risks and mitigating measures have also ...

Trade liberalisation is generally expected to bring net welfare gains to the domestic economy by reallocating resources to more productive firms or to industries with a comparative advantage. However, these gains are not always distributed evenly and can involve transitional costs for certain firms and workers. Trade adjustment measures are designed to compensate for these costs. The literature proposes mainly active labour policies (including training and other measures for re-employment) for dealing ...