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Net-zero industry act

Briefing 06-03-2024

The deployment of clean energy technologies required to support the achievement of Europe's 2030 and 2050 climate targets is considerable. Europe already largely imports these technologies, and like many third countries is increasing efforts to expand clean energy manufacturing capacity to reduce strategic dependencies for key products. On 16 March 2023, the Commission put forward a proposal for a 'net-zero industry act' that aims to expand the manufacturing capacity of net-zero technologies in the ...

A raíz de la sentencia del Tribunal de Justicia de la Unión Europea de 2022, por la que se declaró parcialmente inválida la Directiva 2012/19/UE sobre residuos de aparatos eléctricos y electrónicos (RAEE), la Comisión Europea propuso adaptar la Directiva a la sentencia. En noviembre de 2023, los colegisladores alcanzaron un acuerdo provisional. El texto acordado requiere ahora su aprobación formal por parte de ambas instituciones, y se someterá a votación en el Pleno de febrero de 2024.

The EU's automotive sector is resource-intensive. There are 286 million motor vehicles on the road in the EU, and every year around 6.5 million vehicles become waste. If improperly managed, these vehicles may cause environmental damage and the economy may lose millions of tonnes of materials. Ensuring better sustainability and circularity of the European automotive sector would help to achieve the goals of the EU Green Deal, improve the competitiveness of the sector, and reinforce the EU's strategic ...

En marzo de 2023, la Comisión Europea propuso un Reglamento para reforzar el ecosistema europeo de fabricación de productos de tecnologías de cero emisiones netas («Ley sobre la industria de cero emisiones netas» o «NZIA», por sus siglas en inglés). Está previsto que el Parlamento vote el informe aprobado el 25 de octubre por la Comisión de Industria, Investigación y Energía (ITRE) durante el período parcial de sesiones de noviembre II. El informe constituirá la posición del Parlamento en las negociaciones ...

This study addresses the expected impact of the EU’s Corporate Sustainable Due Diligence Directive (CS3D) on small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). It takes the German supply chain act (Lieferkettengesetz) as an example that may hold lessons for EU due diligence legislation. Against the background of a review of the existing literature on the impact of sustainability regulations, we conducted expert interviews with German business associations, German foreign chambers of commerce in emerging ...

En julio, el Parlamento votará el informe aprobado por la Comisión de Medio Ambiente, Salud Pública y Seguridad Alimentaria (ENVI) sobre una propuesta de la Comisión para actualizar las normas de la Unión para prevenir y controlar la contaminación provocada por la industria. El informe resultante de la votación constituirá la posición del Parlamento en las negociaciones tripartitas con el Consejo.

Las pilas y baterías son clave para la transición energética limpia de la Unión. En diciembre de 2020, la Comisión Europea presentó una propuesta para modernizar el marco regulador de las baterías y garantizar la sostenibilidad y la competitividad de las cadenas de valor de las baterías de la Unión. Tras dos años, el Parlamento Europeo y el Consejo llegaron a un acuerdo tripartito sobre la propuesta. El texto acordado se votará en el Pleno en junio.

The fishing sector is facing major challenges in the accelerating energy crisis, owing to its high dependency on the stable supply of fossil fuels at low prices. This report reviews the literature on drivers of energy use, identifies potential reduction measures and provides an overview of opportunities for using alternative fuels in the fishing sector. Each measure is evaluated in terms of greenhouse gas emission reduction potential and costs, and challenges and policy options that could facilitate ...

The United States, China and the European Union are making more and more funds available for the green economic transition and efforts to fight climate change. Increased government spending on green technologies also serves the goal of establishing or expanding industries that have emerged as strategic at a time of global warming, as well as providing quality jobs. This subsidy race is strongly affected by the technological rivalry between China and the US. However, the race in governments’ support ...

The European Union faces a dilemma in how to respond to the US Inflation Reduction Act, which pours billions of dollars of federal funds into the American economy by favouring US-made clean energy and technology. The debate is reshaping the EU's efforts to become a global leader in clean technologies to help combat climate change. It has also heated up the discussion on future EU industrial policy, pitting advocates of proactive State aid against defenders of the traditional EU competition policy ...