

Mostrando 10 de 13 resultados

Fondo Social para el Clima

De un vistazo 01-06-2022

Como parte del paquete de medidas «Objetivo 55», la Comisión ha propuesto la creación de un Fondo Social para el Clima con el fin de compensar a los hogares, las microempresas y los usuarios del transporte vulnerables por algunos de los costes de la transición ecológica. El Fondo se financiaría principalmente mediante la ampliación del régimen de comercio de derechos de emisión de la Unión para cubrir los sectores de los edificios y el transporte. Los miembros debatirán sobre el Fondo Social para ...

El transporte aéreo: seguridad de la aviación civil

Fichas temáticas sobre la EU 01-07-2017

La seguridad aérea (que no ha de confundirse con la seguridad aeronáutica[1]) tiene por objeto la prevención de actos delictivos contra las aeronaves y sus pasajeros y tripulaciones. A raíz de los terribles atentados de 2001, la Unión adoptó una serie de normas de seguridad encaminadas a proteger la aviación civil. Dichas normas se actualizan periódicamente en función de la evolución de los riesgos. Los Estados miembros pueden aplicar normas más estrictas.

According to EU law, passengers have the right to a fixed level of compensation if their flight is cancelled or subject to a long delay. However, airlines can escape liability if they prove that 'extraordinary circumstances' caused the cancellation or delay. The Court of Justice of the EU has recently ruled that unexpected technical problems cannot count as 'extraordinary circumstances'.

After the Paris attacks of January 2015, the fight against terrorism and the phenomenon of foreign fighters is now higher than ever on the EU agenda, with a series of new measures being discussed, and existing ones refocused. In this context, the EU Passenger Name Record (PNR) proposal is once again in the spotlight. The current proposal dates back to 2011, but was rejected by the European Parliament's LIBE Committee in April 2013. However, given the new security context, and following numerous ...

Significant progress has been achieved during the last 20 years in creating a Single Market for Transports. European tourism is and will remain a vital component of the economy, with enormous economic potential. Both sectors suffer however from remaining barriers, gaps and market inefficiencies that create substantial costs and that could be addressed through further action at EU level. The gains that could be achieved from addressing the identified issues have been estimated at 8.6 billion euro ...

Air passenger rights

De un vistazo 30-01-2014

Updates to the EU rules on air passenger rights are currently under discussion. They are intended to clarify key principles and passenger rights that have given rise to disputes between airlines and travellers in the past.

After the first PNR agreements concluded after 9/11 proved controversial and encountered legal difficulties, the Commission is now negotiating long-term PNR agreements with three key third countries: the US, Canada and Australia.

El presente estudio ofrece una visión general de la aplicación de la legislación de la UE en materia de derechos de los pasajeros del transporte aéreo. Tras una breve presentación del marco aplicable, el estudio recoge los resultados de una consulta a los organismos responsables del cumplimiento a escala nacional y a las asociaciones de consumidores de los Estados miembros más relevantes sobre la aplicación de los Reglamentos 261/2004, 2111/2005 y 1107/2006, así como de la Directiva 90/314 CEE. ...

In November 2007, the European Commission published a proposal on the use of Passenger Name Record (PNR) data for law enforcement purposes. This proposal is closely related to other instruments obliging air carriers to transmit passenger data to national authorities, including Directive 2004/82/EC and various agreements that were signed with third countries. The establishment of an ‘EU PNR system’ is presented as a tool in the fight against terrorism and organised crime, but will also be used to ...

Recent years have been marked by a growing demand of personal data for public security purposes. Access and protection of those data are climbing the transatlantic political agenda. They have raised tensions and fostered forms of cooperation. The possible conclusion of an international binding agreement on a common transatlantic framework on data protection would be a further and crucial step ahead. The scope of this study is to pave the way for launching a parliamentary debate on those issues. Therefore ...