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North America and Europe dominate the global trade in cultural goods. Together they account for 49 % of exports and 62 % of imports. However, there is a significant cultural divide between the EU and USA, which is reflected in contrasting policy approaches towards culture. Under the 2005 Unesco Convention – not signed by the USA – the EU has a legal obligation to protect and promote the diversity of cultural expressions, a principle also enshrined in Article 167 TFEU. Culture and the audiovisual ...

Access to culture in the European Union

Análisis en profundidad 10-07-2017

Culture, a broad term with a variety of interpretations, is a competence of Member States. However, the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union vests the EU with a supportive role towards Member States' cultural policies, protection of cultural heritage, promotion of culture and cultural cooperation. The Commission's culture work programme covers accessible and inclusive culture as an objective of EU cultural actions, in the conviction that culture can play a role in social integration, education ...

Today the internet is at the heart of the new digital society. It is a communication tool but it can also be used to offer and to access online a vast range of commercial and cultural services or content. Policy-makers are trying to clarify the respective rights and obligations of consumers, creators of content and intermediaries who interact on the internet, and to make sure that innovation and fair competition can flourish. This note has been prepared for the European Youth Event, taking place ...

In spite of the fact that Europe pioneered both technological and content innovation in cinema, at present the EU film landscape is characterised by the strong presence of Hollywood productions. In 2013, they held a share of nearly 70% of the EU market, while European productions represented only 26%. What makes the major US companies so powerful is the fact that they are vertically integrated, with activities spanning production and distribution, allowing them to spread risks over several films, ...

El cine nació en Europa, pero en la actualidad el panorama cinematográfico europeo se caracteriza por la fuerte presencia de los «grandes» de Hollywood, como Sony Pictures, Walt Disney y Warner Bros. Sorprendentemente, a pesar de que las empresas con sede en los Estados Unidos han producido solo 622 películas en 2013, en comparación con las 1 546 producciones europeas en el mismo período, actualmente representan casi dos tercios del mercado de la UE