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The European Parliament after Brexit

Lühitutvustus 14-01-2020

Once the withdrawal of the United Kingdom from the EU becomes legally effective, 73 EP seats will become vacant. Twenty-seven of these seats will be re-distributed among 14 Member States. The remaining 46 seats would be available for potential EU enlargements and/or for the possible future creation of a transnational constituency.

Japan: Shinzō Abe wins a new mandate

Lühitutvustus 25-10-2017

Shinzō Abe won the snap elections he called for the lower house on 22 October 2017. Despite her popularity, Tokyo's governor Yuriko Koike failed to convince the electorate to oust a prime minister in charge since December 2012. The newly created Constitutional Democratic Party of Japan became the main opposition force in the House of Representatives. In coalition with Kōmeitō, Abe's Liberal Democratic Party holds a two-thirds majority enabling it to pass constitutional amendments.

Since his election in 2015, Argentina's centre-right President, Mauricio Macri, has pursued sweeping domestic and foreign policy reforms, although his 'Let's Change' (Cambiemos) coalition of centre-right and centre-left parties holds only a minority of seats in the bicameral Congress. His presidency has marked a major shift from left-wing populism under his predecessors, Néstor Kirchner (2003-2007) and Cristina Fernández de Kirchner (2007-2015), to economic neoliberalism. The mid-term vote on 22 ...

Euroopa Parlament: valimiste kord

ELi teabelehed 01-10-2017

Euroopa Parlamendi valimiste korda reguleeritakse nii ELi õigusaktidega, millega määratakse kindlaks kõikide liikmesriikide jaoks ühised eeskirjad, kui ka siseriiklike erisätetega, mis on liikmesriigiti erinevad. Ühiste eeskirjadega on kindlaks määratud võrdelise esindatuse põhimõte ja teatavad Euroopa Parlamendi liikme mandaadiga kokkusobimatud ametikohad. Mitmed muud tähtsad küsimused, näiteks valimissüsteemi üksikasjad ja valimisringkondade arv, on täpsemalt reguleeritud liikmesriikide seadustega ...

Euroopa Parlament: struktuur ja tegevus

ELi teabelehed 01-10-2017

Euroopa Parlamendi struktuur ja tegevus on sätestatud kodukorras. Parlamendi tegevust juhivad poliitilised organid, komisjonid, delegatsioonid ja fraktsioonid.

Nice’i leping valmistas Euroopa Liidu vaid osaliselt ette 2004. aasta ja 2007. aasta olulisteks laienemisteks itta ja lõunasse. Seetõttu tegi Euroopa tuleviku konvent Laekeni deklaratsioonis püstitatud küsimustest lähtudes jõupingutusi, et luua Euroopa põhiseaduse lepingu vormis liidule uus õiguslik alus. Põhiseaduslepingut ei ratifitseeritud, kuna kahes liikmesriigis lõppes referendum negatiivse tulemusega.

Euroopa Parlamendi ajalooline taust

ELi teabelehed 01-04-2017

Euroopa Parlament sai alguse Euroopa Söe- ja Teraseühenduse (ESTÜ) ühisassambleest, millest kujunes Euroopa kõigi kolme omal ajal tegutsenud rahvusülese ühenduse ühisassamblee. Hiljem hakati ühisassambleed nimetama Euroopa Parlamendiks. Alates 1979. aastast valitakse Euroopa Parlamendi liikmed otsevalimistel. Aja jooksul on parlament põhjalikult muutunud. Kunagisest assambleest, mille liikmed nimetati, on saanud valimistel valitavate liikmetega parlament, mida tunnustatakse Euroopa Liidu poliitiliste ...

The Monthly Highlights publication provides an overview, at a glance, of the on-going work of the policy departments, including a selection of the latest and forthcoming publications, and a list of future events.

The allocation of seats in collegiate organs such as parliaments requires a method to translate votes proportionally into whole seats. The 'd'Hondt method' is a mathematical formula used widely in proportional representation systems, although it leads to less proportional results than other systems for seat allocation such as the Hare-Niemeyer and Sainte-Laguë/Schepers methods. Moreover, it tends to increase the advantage for the electoral lists gaining most votes to the detriment of those with fewer ...

This Briefing, published by the European Parliamentary Research Service, is designed to provide key facts and figures about the European Parliament, both today and in previous terms since direct elections were introduced in June 1979. On the following pages you will find graphics of various kinds which: -detail the composition of the European Parliament now and in the past; -trace the increase in the number of parties represented in the Parliament and show the evolution of political groups ...