Agencies' Buildings

Tutkimus 15-12-2008

This note summarises information provided by the agencies regarding the buildings they occupy in the Member States and Brussels. Most agencies rent/lease - only 7 occupy buildings owned by themselves/the Communities. OHIM has the largest premises overall and CEPOL the smallest, while FRA has the largest and the ECHA the smallest premises in terms of size per member of staff. The highest rents are paid in London, Brussels and Luxembourg, whereas CEPOL, ENISA, ETF and EUROFOUND enjoy their premises virtually rent-free. While some agencies used a negotiated or open procedure to select their buildings, the majority have bought or are renting the only building(s) proposed to them by the Member States. Several agencies have indicated that they need more space. Please note there are two pdf files available below: the first one is the annex containing the original replies by the Agencies to the European Parliament's questionnaire and the second one is the note summarising these replies.