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Faktatietoja EU:sta 01-09-2017

Innovoinnilla on yhä suurempi merkitys taloudessa. Se hyödyttää kansalaisia sekä kuluttajina että työntekijöinä. Se on välttämätöntä työpaikkojen laadun parantamiseksi, ympäristöystävällisemmän yhteiskunnan luomiseksi ja elämänlaadun parantamiseksi, mutta sitä tarvitaan myös unionin kilpailukyvyn säilyttämiseksi globaaleilla markkinoilla. Innovointipolitiikka vaikuttaa tutkimusta ja teknologian kehittämistä koskevan politiikan ja teollisuuspolitiikan yhtymäkohdassa, ja sen tavoitteena on luoda edellytykset ...

Teollisuuspolitiikan yleiset periaatteet

Faktatietoja EU:sta 01-09-2017

Euroopan unionin teollisuuspolitiikan tavoitteena on parantaa Euroopan teollisuuden kilpailukykyä, jotta se täyttäisi tehtävänsä Euroopan kestävän kasvun ja työllisyyden edistäjänä. Unionin teollisuuden toimintaedellytyksiä on pyritty parantamaan monin eri strategioin. Viimeisin niistä on esitetty tammikuussa 2014 julkaistussa tiedonannossa ”Kohti Euroopan teollista renessanssia”.

This is note summarises the commitments made at the hearing of Carlos Moedas Commissioner designate for Research and Innovation.

Parliament and Council negotiators have reached a trilogue agreement on the Horizon 2020 framework research programme. This new instrument for European research and innovation funding seeks to simplify the rules for gaining funding, improve the commercialisation of research results and increase the participation of industry, SMEs and scientific community.

Horizon 2020 will be one of the main European Union instruments aimed at achieving an "Innovation Union", one of the Europe 2020 growth goals. It will focus on research outputs and innovation, with the goal of accelerating the commercialisation and diffusion of innovation.

This study describes knowledge transfer from European universities and institutes to industry, focusing on the role of the Industrial Liaison / Technology / Knowledge Transfer Office function. It explores practices in European institutions and compares these with international ones, especially from the USA. The project is based upon a comprehensive literature review and a programme of detailed case studies of knowledge transfer strategies and practices. It addresses the wide range of knowledge transfer ...

The aim of the Common Strategic Framework (CSF) is to improve the efficiency of research and innovation funding at national and EU levels, primarily by bringing together, within a single unitary framework, the three main existing sources of funding for research and innovation – the FP7, the CIP and the EIT initiatives. The current study aims to provide a set of specific recommendations focused on reinforcing, streamlining, simplifying and synchronising the complementarity of all the above-mentioned ...

This study provides an assessment of the EU “public-private dialogue” in security research and of the projects currently funded under the 7th Research Framework Programme (FP7), from the point of view of their contribution to the development of an area of freedom, security and justice. In this study, we ask two simple questions, deriving from the general objectives defined by the Stockholm programme. To what extent is EU-funded security research placed at the service of citizens? To what extent does ...

The study provides information on the state of play of established mechanisms for coordination and cooperation of research efforts in Europe (Article 169, ERANETs, COST, EUREKA, EUROCORES, Nordic Cooperation) as well as recommendations on actions to further improve the effectiveness of such mechanisms.

Globalization and the Role of R&D

Tutkimus 01-02-1998

The study seeks to develop the links between research and development (R&D) policy and economic globalization and provides a survey of economic trends towards globalization and the growth of international competition and, furthermore, demonstrates the implications which these factors have for the reformation of the EU's R6D policy (see the Community's 5th Research Framework Programme).