
Vos résultats

Affichage 10 de 17 résultats

Exception to the budgetary principle of universality, assigned revenues flatten at 10.5 % in last years. In the emergency European Recovery Instrument, “Next Generation EU”, put forward by the Commission EUR 500 billion are external assigned revenue. In 2021, contributions from “Next Generation EU” are planned to provide an additional EUR 211.3 billion of assigned revenue. in 2021, assigned revenue will surge to EUR 220 000 million in commitments and EUR 46 100 million in payments, from a total ...

Exception to the budgetary principle of universality, assigned revenues flatten at 10.5 % in last years. The emergency European Recovery Instrument put forward by the Commission amounts to EUR 750 billion. Out of this EUR 750 billion, EUR 500 billion are external assigned revenue. Therefore, more than a third of the EU budget will be considered as assigned revenue in the EU budget. On assigned revenue, the European Parliament is excluded from the decision-making process. Given the size of the ...

EU Own Resources

Briefing 15-01-2020

This Briefing is a background note for the Committee on Budgets public hearing on “EU Own Resources and Fiscal Policy Harmonisation: Untapped potential for Synergies?” held on 23 January 2020. It describes the very specific structure of the EU revenue which come from three types of own resources, i) traditional own resources, ii) VAT-based own resource and iii) GNI-based own resource. State of play of what has been done to improve own resource is provided. Lastly, fiscal policy harmonisation initiatives ...

Defence: What has the EU done?

Briefing 29-06-2018

Attempts to move towards a common defence have been part of the European Project since its inception. However, more has been achieved in the past two years than in the last 60 years.

Defence: Member States' Spending

Briefing 31-05-2018

In 2016, the amount of expenditure dedicated to defence represented 1.3% of GDP for the EU-28 and 1.2% of GDP for the Euro area. This is much less than the amount spent on social protection (which is equivalent to 19.1% of GDP), Health (7.1%) or Education (4.7%) but not quite as much as the amount spent on Public Safety and Order (1.7% of GDP) and significantly higher that the amount spent on environmental protection (0.7% of GDP). In 2016, the highest levels of expenditure in defence in the EU were ...

The Treaty on the functioning of the European Union divides the revenue of the general budget into two main components: own resources and other revenue. However, the wording of the Treaty indicates that other revenue should remain marginal compared to the own resources in the financing of the EU budget. Today, there are three main categories of own resources: i) traditional own resources, ii) VAT-based resource and iii) GNI-based own resource. The own resources system also includes a specific mechanism ...

Si les recettes affectées constituent de fait une exception au principe d’universalité, elles permettent également de tenir compte de la nature spécifique de ces recettes et d’allouer ces recettes à leur destination naturelle. En effet, dans certains cas tel que par exemple des versements d’assurance en remboursement de dommages ou la correction d’erreurs le principe d’universalité n’est pas ou très difficilement applicable. Les recettes affectées ne sont aussi pas toujours de « vrai revenu ». ...

Le traité instituant la CECA, conclu pour une durée de cinquante ans à dater de son entrée en vigueur, est arrivé à échéance le 23 juillet 2002. Dès lors, dans la perspective de son expiration et considérant les avantages que les secteurs du charbon et de l’acier ont retirés des programmes CECA de recherche et de développement technologique, le Conseil européen, dans sa résolution sur la croissance et l’emploi qu’il adopte à Amsterdam les 16 et 17 juin 1997, convient que les recettes provenant des ...

Les recettes affectées sont utilisées en vue de financer des dépenses spécifiques. Elles constituent donc une exception au principe d’universalité. L’article 21 du règlement financier actuel qui définit les recettes affectées est reproduit en annexe.

L’exécution du budget

Fiches thématiques sur l’UE 01-06-2017

La Commission est chargée de l’exécution du budget en coopération avec les États membres, mais elle est soumise au contrôle politique du Parlement européen.