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Affichage 10 de 73 résultats

Once dispersed in the environment, microplastic particles under 5 mm in size are extremely difficult to remove and very persistent. Today, they are present in the air, soil, freshwater, seas, oceans, plants and animals, and in several components of the human diet. Human exposure to microplastic particles is therefore widespread, raising concerns about potential health impacts. The EU has committed to addressing microplastic pollution in two action plans –on the new circular economy and on zero pollution ...

Au cours de sa période de session d’avril II, le Parlement est appelé à se prononcer en première lecture sur une proposition visant à prévenir les pertes de granulés plastiques afin de réduire la pollution par les microplastiques. Le Conseil doit encore adopter sa position.

In October 2022, under the European Green Deal, the European Commission tabled a proposal for a recast of the Urban Wastewater Treatment Directive. Dating back to 1991, and instrumental to the achievement of European Union water policy objectives, the directive needs to be updated and adapted to new challenges and realities. The recast proposal would introduce new obligations to do more to control pollution due to rainwater, impose stricter standards for nutrient removal and require advanced treatment ...

Les sols, dans leur grande variété, abritent plus de 25 % de l’ensemble de la biodiversité et constituent la deuxième plus grande réserve de carbone de la planète. Au cours de sa période de session d’avril 2024, le Parlement européen est appelé à se prononcer en première lecture sur une proposition de la Commission européenne visant à établir le tout premier cadre européen commun sur les sols.

Currently, there is no EU-wide legislation specifically on soil, although many policy instruments relevant to soil protection are in place. Under the EU biodiversity strategy for 2030, part of the European Green Deal, the European Commission presented a new EU soil strategy for 2030, with the aim of having all EU soil ecosystems in a healthy condition by 2050. To achieve this objective, on 5 July 2023 it tabled a proposal for a soil monitoring and resilience directive, laying down measures for monitoring ...

In December 2022, the European Commission proposed a revision of the Regulation on the classification, labelling and packaging of substances and mixtures, one of the two cornerstones of the EU's framework regulating chemicals. The revision, announced in the EU chemicals strategy for sustainability, notably seeks to identify and classify hazardous chemicals more comprehensively; improve communication on chemical hazards and the notification of relevant information to poison centres for emergency health ...

Au cours de sa période de session de mars, le Parlement européen devrait mettre aux voix l’accord politique provisoire conclu avec le Conseil sur une mise à jour des règles de l’Union visant à prévenir et à contrôler la pollution industrielle. Approuvé par la commission de l’environnement, de la santé publique et de la sécurité alimentaire (ENVI) le 11 janvier 2024, cet accord modifie de manière substantielle le texte initialement proposé par la Commission européenne.

Covering some 52 000 large agro-industrial installations EU-wide, the Industrial Emissions Directive is the main EU instrument regulating industrial pollutant emissions. The proposal for a revision, tabled in April 2022, seeks to bring it into line with the EU's zero pollution ambition, energy, climate and circular economy policy goals under the European Green Deal. The main changes include expanding its scope, strengthening permit requirements, and adding measures to foster innovation. Stakeholders ...

The European Green Deal envisages a review of measures addressing pollution from large industrial installations, with a view to aligning existing legislation with the EU's zero pollution ambition, and energy, climate and circular economy policy goals. On 5 April 2022, the European Commission tabled a proposal to revise the Industrial Emissions Directive, the main European Union instrument regulating pollutant emissions from industry, together with a proposal to revise the Regulation establishing ...

Lors de sa session plénière de février II, le Parlement européen devrait voter sur l’accord provisoire conclu lors du trilogue sur le «règlement sur la restauration de la nature», qui vise à remettre en état les écosystèmes dégradés dans l’ensemble de l’Union. L’accord, approuvé par la commission de l’environnement, de la santé publique et de la sécurité alimentaire (ENVI) le 29 novembre 2023, modifie de manière substantielle le texte initialement proposé par la Commission européenne.