
Vos résultats

Affichage 10 de 31 résultats

This study examines how contemporary welfare state policies address the issues of inequality and poverty both between and within EU Member States. It combines quantitative and qualitative analysis to show the strong links between inequality and poverty, not only in statistical terms, but also in terms of wealth distribution, intergenerational mobility and labour market dynamics. Welfare states are discussed in a multidimensional way, covering traditional welfare state policies on social protection ...

This Briefing forms part of an EPRS series which offers a synthesis of the pre-legislative state-of-play and advance consultation on a range of key European Commission priorities during the latter's five-year term in office. It seeks to summarise the state of affairs in the relevant policy field, examine how existing policy is working on the ground, and identify best practice and ideas for the future on the part of governmental organisations at all levels of European system of multilevel governance ...

Le Fonds social européen plus (FSE+) est une composante importante de la rubrique «Cohésion, résilience et valeurs» du cadre financier pluriannuel (CFP) 2021-2027. Il contribue principalement au pôle d’action portant sur l’investissement dans le capital humain, les citoyens et les valeurs. Le vote du Parlement européen en deuxième lecture sur le texte du règlement FSE+ convenu à la suite des négociations interinstitutionnelles devrait avoir lieu lors de la période de session plénière de juin I.

The proclamation of the European Pillar of Social Rights (social pillar) by the European Commission, the European Parliament and the Council in November 2017 was the fourth major attempt to strengthen the social dimension of the European Union since its inception. The social pillar is to be the fifth pillar of the economic and monetary union. It is to serve as a compass for updating the EU's welfare states and labour markets to the new realities of life and work in the 21st century. Its holistic ...

La proposition de révision du Fonds européen d’ajustement à la mondialisation présentée par la Commission européenne en 2018 et modifiée dans le cadre du plan de relance pour l’Europe de 2020 modifie les critères d’éligibilité, les règles de cofinancement et la procédure de mobilisation. En-dehors des plafonds du cadre financier pluriannuel (CFP) 2021-2027, le Fonds devrait continuer à servir ponctuellement d’instrument de solidarité et d’intervention d’urgence. À la suite d’un accord en deuxième ...

La présente étude, la cinquième d’une série annuelle, offre une vue d’ensemble de la situation économique et budgétaire dans l’Union européenne et au-delà de ses frontières et résume les principaux indicateurs économiques de l’Union et de la zone euro ainsi que leurs tendances sur deux ans. Le budget annuel de l’Union, accompagné d’un aperçu de ses principales rubriques pour 2021, ainsi que le cadre budgétaire général, le cadre financier pluriannuel (CFP) pour l’après-2020 et l’instrument de relance ...

Droit à la déconnexion

En bref 13-01-2021

Dans le cadre de la transformation numérique du monde du travail, la commission de l’emploi et des affaires sociales du Parlement européen a adopté un rapport d’initiative législative invitant la Commission à proposer une directive européenne fixant des exigences minimales pour le droit à la déconnexion. La pratique du travail à distance au moyen d’outils numériques, qui s’est intensifiée en raison des mesures de confinement liées au coronavirus, a attiré une attention croissante sur les problèmes ...

The next generation, sometimes referred to as 'Generation Z' or 'Gen Z', includes children and young people born after 1995/1996. Also known as the 'iGeneration' they are the first digital natives: they have grown up with smartphones and tablets, and most have internet access at home. While, in the EU, they are the most diverse generation when it comes to their origins, and best educated, in terms of level of education, they are the most vulnerable, including on the labour market. They are the generation ...

Traditionally the social economy is considered to be an ever-growing set of private, formally organised enterprises and networks that build on multiple types of resources and cooperation, with local anchorage and democratic and participatory decision-making processes. Its primary aim is not to make profit but to meet the needs of its members and that of the wider society. The social economy is active in an increasing number of sectors, and while some of its actors are small non-profit organisations ...

Whilst the disruption caused by the coronavirus crisis has affected all segments of society, some groups and geographic areas have been impacted more seriously than others. The crisis has opened up the opportunity to rethink how and what could be done differently and more efficiently over the longer term in the social and employment field at European level, including the possibility of putting social and economic considerations and rights on a more equal footing within the Union's governance framework ...