
Vos résultats

Affichage 10 de 19 résultats

Sustainability-related provisions are a key part of international trade negotiations. Since the free trade agreement (FTA) signed with South Korea in 2009, EU trade deals each include dedicated trade and sustainable development (TSD) chapters encompassing issues such as environment, labour rights, climate change and responsible business conduct. In an effort to step up implementation and enforcement of these chapters, in 2018 the Commission published a non-paper setting out a 15-point action plan ...

The coronavirus pandemic has rekindled the global debate on whether the multilateral trade regime for intellectual property rights (IPR) protection limits access to essential medical products. Despite embedded flexibilities in the World Trade Organization (WTO) Agreement on Trade-related Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS), India and South Africa, co-sponsored by a large number of developing countries, submitted an initial proposal for a temporary waiver in response to Covid-19 in October 2020, ...

International trade influences biodiversity through scale, composition and technique effects. Land and sea use change alter natural habitats, while emissions from production and transportation contribute to climate change. Among exports, animal-based agri-food products are particularly land-intensive. Trade policy can play a role in tackling these problems through stronger enforcement of biodiversity-related provisions in trade agreements. The EU Biodiversity Strategy 2030 commits to better assessing ...

When disputes arise in international trade, they can be settled with binding rulings under international trade or investment agreements. For World Trade Organization (WTO) agreements, members can launch such disputes through the two-step WTO dispute settlement mechanism. The European Union (EU) also includes similar dispute settlement provisions in its trade agreements. The United States' blockage of appointments to the WTO Appellate Body, the highest instance of the WTO dispute settlement, plunged ...

L’ambition du pacte vert pour l’Europe est de parvenir à une Union européenne climatiquement neutre d’ici à 2050, un but partagé par toutes les institutions qui la composent. Il s’agit d’un objectif qui accorde à l’Union le rôle de chef de file de la lutte contre l’urgence climatique mondiale. Parvenir à la neutralité climatique requiert un investissement considérable et une transformation sans précédent de tous les secteurs de l’économie. La présente étude expose les caractéristiques matérielles ...

Supply chains are increasingly international, but many of EU's trade partners fail to meet both the labour standards of the International Labour Organization (ILO) and international human rights norms. EU trade policy is designed to ensure that economic development complies with World Trade Organization (WTO) rules, while upholding human rights and high labour standards. WTO rules require members to comply with a set of basic free trading principles, in particular national treatment and most-favoured ...

La présente publication de l’EPRS vise à fournir un aperçu analytique de l’accord de commerce et de coopération (ACC) entre l’Union européenne (UE) et le Royaume-Uni, conclu entre les deux parties le 24 décembre, signé par celles-ci le 30 décembre 2020 et appliqué provisoirement depuis le 1er janvier 2021. Le Parlement européen examine actuellement l’accord en vue du vote sur l’approbation de sa conclusion par le Conseil au nom de l’Union. Le document analyse de nombreux domaines couverts dans l’ ...

Le processus de la «slowbalisation», soit «ralentissement de la mondialisation», aurait commencé juste après la crise financière mondiale de 2007-2008. La pandémie de COVID 19 a encore accentué cette tendance en ralentissant la circulation internationale des biens, des services, du capital et des personnes, à tel point que certains observateurs ont proclamé le début de la démondialisation. Le présent document cherche à déterminer si le phénomène décrit sous le nom de «slowbalisation» est un mythe ...

The election of the 46th President of the United States took place on 3 November 2020 amidst the unprecedented scenario of the coronavirus pandemic. Following several days of vote-counting, the democratic candidate, Joe Biden, secured the electoral votes needed to become the next President of the United States. His inauguration will take place on 20 January 2021. Domestic concerns, most notably the management of the coronavirus crisis and the economy, as well as racial issues, were the most important ...

Since the 1980s onset of intensified sales competition between American and European civil aircraft manufacturers, aircraft trade has been a point of contention in transatlantic trade. Between 1992 and 2004, the Bilateral Agreement on Trade in Large Civil Aircraft regulated the permitted levels of support to aircraft manufacturers. In 2003, Europe's Airbus sold more large civil aircraft than United States-owned Boeing for the first time. The following year, the USA renounced the agreement and launched ...