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Affichage 10 de 20 résultats

Afin d’apporter aux membres de la commission du contrôle budgétaire des données et des informations fiables sur la réponse de l’administration publique de l’Union à la COVID-19, la présente étude analyse la réponse des institutions de l’Union, les mesures adoptées afin d’assurer la continuité des activités et l’incidence de ces mesures sur le budget à compter de 2020 et sur le personnel de l’institution concernée. Elle offre en outre une vue d’ensemble des pratiques et des enjeux liés aux nouvelles ...

Based on Commission’s assessments of national Recovery and Resilience Plans, this paper outlines how 2019 and 2020 Country Specific Recommendations covering public administration, judicial system and business environment related issues are being addressed in national plans. The paper will be updated once new relevant information is available.

Cette étude a été commandée par le département thématique des droits des citoyens et des affaires constitutionnelles du Parlement européen à la demande de la commission FEMM. Elle analyse l’état de l’écart entre les hommes et les femmes dans le secteur, l’administration et la sphère publics au sein de l’Union et des États membres et recense des mesures stratégiques aptes à favoriser la résorption de cet écart.

L’étude vise à fournir des conclusions sur la situation actuelle des deux pays et sur leurs réalisations par rapport à leur situation initiale et aux obligations contractées en 2007 (cela comprend l’utilisation de «feux de signalisation» pour la Bulgarie et la Roumanie, indiquant les progrès effectués en vue de satisfaire aux différents critères de référence), ainsi que sur leurs réussites et leurs échecs. Enfin, au regard des recommandations que la Commission européenne a établies dans ses rapports ...

How to further strengthen the European Semester?

Analyse approfondie 20-11-2017

The emphasis of the European Semester should shift from economic policy coordination – intended as the process through which Member States commit to common rules and recommendations adopted by the Council of the European Union under the surveillance of the European Commission – to a stronger national ownership. Coordination of national policies may be essential at times of crisis, when cross-country spillover effects tend to be large, but it may not be very effective when economic conditions return ...

How to further strengthen the European Semester?

Analyse approfondie 20-11-2017

The economic governance of the European Monetary Union is yearly organized during the so-called European Semester. The improvement of the European Semester is an on-going process, and some recent propositions must be positively acknowledged. Still, the European Semester and Country Specific recommendations don’t focus enough on issues with clear spill-overs on other countries. This Briefing Paper argues for a systematic discussion of a nominal stance at the European level, based on wage and price ...

Indonesia is by far the largest south-east Asian economy and a member of the G20. Structural problems are preventing the country from achieving its full economic potential and are dragging down growth. President Joko Widodo has set an ambitious economic reform agenda, but there are still enormous obstacles and it is too early to say whether his efforts will have a lasting impact.

The study was requested by the European Parliament’s Committee on Women’s Rights and Gender Equality and commissioned, overseen and published by the Policy Department for Citizens’ Rights and Constitutional Affairs. This assessment aims at investigating gender differences across EGF interventions. By adopting gender budgeting principles, the analysis shows that there are at least four factors resulting in different treatment of men and women in the implementation of the fund: a more frequent implementation ...

This briefing paper addresses four key issues:  the challenges of combatting organised crime at EU level; the challenges of combatting mafia-style organised crime in the EU;  the challenges of combatting corruption at EU level and the inter-relation between organised crime (including mafia-style organised crime) and corruption. After exploring these issues, the paper discusses the options for action at EU level and the policy implications involved.

A considerable body of law catering for information and consultation needs of workers at national and transnational level have been developed since 1994 on the basis of the Treaty. However, the fact that this I&C legislation does not apply to workers in public administration is increasingly seen as necessitating change. This note traces the attempts to-date to have the public administration included in European I&C legislation.