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Technical Support Instrument: main features

Analyse approfondie 24-11-2022

In order to help national authorities in improving their capacity to design, develop and implement reforms, including those covered by recovery and resilience plans, the European Parliament and the Council adopted on 10 February 2021 a regulation establishing a Technical Support Instrument. The Instrument may finance a broad range of technical assistance actions referring to policy areas related to cohesion, competitiveness and others, with specific emphasis on digital and just green transitions. ...

On 15 November 2021, High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy/Vice-President of the Commission (HR/VP) Josep Borrell presented the draft European Union (EU) 'Strategic Compass'. Amidst geopolitical competition, rising threats, accelerated technological development, climate crisis and global instability, the compass aims to facilitate a 'common sense of purpose' in Union security and defence, strengthen action, deepen partnerships, and stimulate innovation. On 30 November ...

Ahead of BUDG-ECON exchange of views with Commissioner Ferreira, on 14 June, this note provides a brief overview on the 2021 annual workplan, ongoing and finalised projects and some other elements of the Technical Support Instrument.

This paper explores the specificities of islands of the European Union (including Outermost Regions), as well as their challenges and existing means of development. It aims to provide a basis for future discussions and research dedicated to islands’ situation, including the impact of the pandemic on their future development potential. This analysis includes an overview of policy responses for islands' challenges, focusing on Cohesion Policy. Recommendations address, inter alia, decarbonisation, sustainability ...

In 2012, the Commission announced the EU's strategic approach to enhancing EU international cooperation in research and innovation, and in this it underlined the role for the EU that derives from being a global leader in research and innovation. It also pinpointed the Horizon 2020 programme (2014-2020) and science diplomacy as the main tools for implementing the strategy. This Implementation Appraisal presents and evaluates the implementation of the strategy after a number of years in force, examining ...

In recent years the EU concluded Association Agreements, including the creation of a Comprehensive Free Trade Areas with Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine. These are amongst the most complex and comprehensive legal treaties concluded by the EU with third countries. The treaties place a profound obligation on the partner countries of legal approximation, that is, to undertake extensive, binding commitments to adopt vast swathes of the acquis in order to stimulate political and economic development and ...

Ensemble, les 33 pays constituant la Communauté des États latino-américains et des Caraïbes (CELAC) sont le cinquième partenaire commercial de l’Union. En ce qui concerne le commerce, l’Union a conclu des accords à part entière avec deux groupes de pays d’Amérique latine (le Cariforum et le groupe d’Amérique centrale), un accord commercial multipartite avec trois pays de la Communauté andine (Colombie, Équateur et Pérou) et des accords en cours de modernisation avec le Mexique et le Chili. Les négociations ...

Aide humanitaire

Fiches thématiques sur l’UE 01-09-2017

L’aide humanitaire est un domaine spécifique de l’action extérieure de l’Union européenne. Elle répond aux nécessités provoquées par une catastrophe naturelle ou d’origine humaine. La direction générale de l’aide humanitaire et de la protection civile (ECHO) de la Commission finance les opérations de secours et coordonne les politiques et mesures des États membres. Le Parlement européen et le Conseil de l’Union européenne colégifèrent pour élaborer la politique de l’Union en matière d’aide humanitaire ...

Structural reforms have been identified as crucial to accelerating economic recovery, boosting growth and reducing unemployment. In November 2015, the European Commission proposed to establish the Structural Reform Support Programme 2017-2020, to provide Member States with technical assistance in designing and implementing structural reforms. The proposed budget is €142.8 million, to be taken from existing technical assistance resources under the European Structural and Investment Funds. Building ...

This study synthesises the main arguments behind the disagreement between the Parliament and the Council over the issue of whether the discharge procedure allows the Parliament to hold the Council to account concerning the management of its own administrative budget. It then examines the discharge procedure as an accountability mechanism and its impact on the EU legitimacy. It concludes that significant improvement is needed, regardless of which exit to the conflict is chosen. Four scenarios to break ...