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Affichage 10 de 118 résultats

La facilité pour l’Ukraine soutiendra l’Ukraine, son redressement et sa progression sur la voie de l’adhésion à l’Union, avec une enveloppe allant jusqu'à 50 milliards d’EUR sous la forme de subventions et de prêts pour la période 2024-2027. Le 6 février 2024, à la suite de l’accord intervenu au Conseil européen sur la révision du cadre financier pluriannuel de l’Union (ci-après le «CFP»), le Parlement européen et le Conseil sont parvenus à un accord politique sur la création de la facilité pour ...

Almost two years since Russia began its full-scale invasion of Ukraine, EU military assistance under the European Peace Facility (EPF) is lagging. The special European Council meeting of 1 February 2024 invited the Council to agree by early March 2024 to amend the regulation establishing the EPF, in order to increase its financial ceiling.

EU leaders reached a swift and unanimous decision on the long-term EU budget at the special European Council meeting of 1 February, sending a strong and united message on the EU's continued support for Ukraine. Altogether, the European Council agreed to reinforce new priorities by €64.6 billion in a revised EU multiannual financial framework (MFF). Next to the MFF, leaders discussed the EU's military support to Ukraine, calling on the Council to agree to a European Peace Facility top-up by March ...

This paper provides a snapshot of multilateral financial assistance provided to Ukraine since the start of the Russian invasion in February 2022 by the European Union and its bodies (European Investment Bank), international financial institutions (International Monetary Fund, World Bank Group, and European Bank for Reconstruction and Development) and groups of bilateral creditors (“The Group of Creditors of Ukraine”). The paper aims to increase understanding and support scrutiny of international ...

The last regular European Council meeting in 2023, on 14 and 15 December, promises to be a very challenging one. All the salient topics of 2023 – notably the war in Ukraine, enlargement, revision of the EU's multiannual financial framework (MFF) and the conflict in the Middle East – are on the agenda; and on many of these, EU leaders are divided. Whereas the conclusions on the war in Ukraine and the conflict in the Middle East will reiterate previous positions, the European Council will focus on ...

Over 20 months after the start of Russia's war of aggression against Ukraine, the European Union has so far earmarked €12 billion (in current prices) from the European Peace Facility (EPF), itself funded by the Member States, in military aid for Ukraine. Set up before the launch of Russia's war on Ukraine, the EPF was initially intended to finance military assistance worldwide, with a particular focus on Africa. The EU has directed EPF-funded support to partner countries' armies, to military components ...

The European Union has been the biggest provider of external assistance to the Palestinian people for many years. Between 2014 and 2020, the EU allocated €2.2 billion in bilateral assistance to the Palestinians. EU assistance to the Palestinians through the European Joint Strategy 2021-2024 amounts, indicatively, to €1.18 billion. EU financial assistance to Palestine* consists of different financial tools. The largest part of the assistance falls under the Neighbourhood, Development and International ...

On 20 June 2023, the Commission made a proposal for a revision of the EU's long-term budget, to urgently address shortcomings and provide further financial support to Ukraine. Overall, the Committee on Budgets (BUDG) supports the revision in its interim report, pending the formal request from the Council, which has yet to agree its position, for consent to the revision. But BUDG says that an additional €10 billion, on top of the €65.8 billion proposed by the Commission, is needed to address the challenges ...

Cette étude a été préparée pour la commission du contrôle budgétaire. Elle évalue l’évolution récente de la transparence et de la responsabilité du financement des ONG par l’UE. La Commission a procédé à la migration de tous les programmes de financement vers un système unique et centralisé de gestion des subventions qui pourrait améliorer considérablement la transparence publique du financement octroyé sous forme de subventions. Néanmoins, la transparence publique reste généralement limitée. L’étude ...

L’invasion russe de l’Ukraine le 24 février 2022 et la guerre qui s’est ensuivie n’ont pas uniquement bouleversé la vie en Ukraine; l’Union européenne est, elle aussi, touchée. La décision du Conseil européen, le 24 juin 2022, d’accorder à l’Ukraine le statut de pays candidat à l’adhésion à l’Union renforce la nécessité d’une perspective à long terme pour les relations UE-Ukraine. La prospective stratégique peut aider à saisir les répercussions de la guerre en général et ses conséquences à long terme ...