
Vos résultats

Affichage 3 de 3 résultats

La présente étude comparative, réalisée à la demande du département thématique des droits des citoyens et des affaires constitutionnelles du Parlement européen, analyse l’efficacité, au sein des États membres, des règles, mesures et pratiques pertinentes en matière de conflits d’intérêts liés à la nomination des responsables politiques de haut rang (chef de gouvernement, ministres et autres hauts fonctionnaires). Cette étude aborde les aspects théoriques et pratiques de la notion de conflit d’intérêts ...

Corruption in Russia

Briefing 12-03-2014

Corruption in Russia is deeply entrenched and permeates all levels of Russian society. It causes significant financial loss to the Russian economy in terms of gross domestic product and considerably lowers the country's attractiveness as a foreign direct investment destination. Despite a recent positive trend Russia continues to lag far behind its G8 and G20 peers in the rankings.

This Study analyses some key trans-border situations in which citizens may find difficulties in exercising their electoral rights – both to vote in elections, and to stand as candidates. It focuses on the electoral rights of EU citizens when resident outside the state where they are citizens, and on the electoral rights of third country citizens resident in the EU Member States. It also covers several complementary issues by examining the consular representation of EU citizens outside the territory ...