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Affichage 10 de 190 résultats

This At a glance note summarises the study 'Increasing selectivity in EU fisheries – State of play and best practices'. The note highlights the main findings of the study, in particular as regards the existing technical and tactical selectivity measures to reduce unwanted catches, the best practices identified from projects that have successfully improved selectivity, and the analysis of the use of EU funding for promoting selectivity developments. The note also provides policy recommendations on ...

Le présent document est le résumé de l’étude intitulée «Améliorer la sélectivité des pêcheries de l’UE — État des lieux et bonnes pratiques». L’étude complète, disponible en anglais, peut être téléchargée à l’adresse suivante:

The EU has adopted a regulation introducing new rules on fisheries control. The act amends five regulations, of which Council Regulation (EC) 1224/2009 (the Control Regulation) forms the core of the EU fisheries control system. The revision is the result of a long process. In May 2018, the European Commission tabled the proposal as the last major component of the 2013 revision of the common fisheries policy. The European Parliament and the Council adopted their positions in March and June 2021 respectively ...

The first January 2024 plenary session opened with a statement by Parliament's President, Roberta Metsola, commemorating Jacques Delors, the former Commission President, who passed away on 27 December. The highlight of the session was the presentation by Prime Minister Alexander De Croo of the programme of activities of the Belgian Presidency of the Council. There was also a debate on the conclusions of the European Council meeting of 14-15 December 2023 and on the preparation of the special European ...

The North-East Atlantic Fisheries Commission (NEAFC) is an intergovernmental fisheries management organisation responsible for fishery resources in the North-East Atlantic, particularly in international waters. As a member, the EU incorporates NEAFC decisions into Union law. In January 2024, the European Parliament's Committee on Fisheries is due to vote on a proposal to integrate the NEAFC rules into a new regulation.

Au cours de sa session plénière de janvier, le Parlement débattra et votera sur trois rapports d’initiative sur la politique commune de la pêche (PCP), faisant le point de la situation dix ans après la dernière réforme de la politique de la pêche et donnant suite à l’évaluation de la politique par la Commission. Ces rapports contribueront à orienter le débat sur l’avenir de la PCP.

The EU's common market organisation (CMO) for seafood products was overhauled in 2013; market intervention measures were abolished and recognised producer organisations (POs) became responsible for managing supply and demand. Product labelling was also extended. Ten years on, it is time to take stock. The European Parliament is currently preparing an own-initiative report. Issues raised include improving consumer information (for instance on sustainability), tackling mislabelling and recognising ...

In the EU, marine fisheries – the core of the common fisheries policy (CFP) – fall under one of the few areas of exclusive competence. This means that the EU legislates on marine fisheries through regulations that are directly binding on EU Member States. Since its creation in 1983, the CFP has been reformed three times. Most recently, in 2013, a major reform sought to achieve sustainable exploitation of all stocks by 2020, using a scientific indicator. The tools introduced to support this goal include ...

Lors de la session plénière d’octobre II, le Parlement devrait mettre aux voix un accord avec le Conseil visant à réviser le régime de contrôle de la pêche de l’Union. La nouvelle législation constitue une refonte complète du régime actuel. Les principaux changements concernent le suivi de tous les navires de pêche, la communication électronique de toutes les captures, le suivi de la pêche récréative, l’amélioration de la traçabilité des produits de la pêche et l’harmonisation des sanctions. Des ...

On 21 February 2023, the European Commission published a 'fisheries and oceans' package, including an action plan for reconciling marine protection and fisheries. With this plan, the Commission is hoping to achieve more consistent implementation of EU environmental and fisheries policies. The main aim is to make fishing practices more sustainable by improving gear selectivity and reducing impacts on sensitive species (such as dolphins) and the seabed. On seabeds, the Commission is calling for a ban ...