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Satellite communication is a strategic asset for governments and civil society alike. Complementary to terrestrial networks, it can contribute to seamless digital communication, even when such networks are absent or disrupted. Today, the EU does not have a dedicated infrastructure (including space and ground segments) to offer satellite communication services to governments, the economy or civil society. Several EU global partners and competitors are investing in parallel in such capabilities. On ...

This At a glance note summarises the study assessing the EU’s approach to multilingualism in its communications policy. An innovative mixed methods approach is used to investigate compliance with multilingualism obligations and the language regimes and practices of EU institutions, bodies and agencies, especially on EU websites. The fit with the linguistic skills of EU27 residents is also investigated. Policy recommendations are provided to enhance the transparency and accessibility of EU communication ...

Le présent document est la synthèse de l’étude intitulée «L’application du multilinguisme dans la politique de communication de l’Union européenne». L’intégralité de l’étude, disponible en anglais, peut être téléchargée à l’adresse suivante:

Une stratégie numérique pour l'Europe

Fiches thématiques sur l’UE 01-06-2017

Depuis 1995, les technologies de l'information et de la communication (TIC) engendrent des gains de productivité et stimulent la croissance au sein de l'Union européenne[1]. La notion de TIC englobe un large éventail de technologies, allant des technologies de l'information aux fonctions de contrôle et de surveillance basées sur des réseaux, en passant par les télécommunications, les médias de diffusion et tous les types de traitement et de transmission audio et vidéo. Depuis une trentaine d'années ...

US international broadcasting has been a key instrument in the country's strategic communications (StratCom) toolbox since World War II. Whereas growing propaganda efforts from foreign state and non-state actors have boosted calls for reforms, there is uncertainty over the future US direction.

Emanating from Russia in the east and the so-called Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) in the south, the EU has been increasingly hit by destabilising messages amounting – in different forms and to different degrees – to coherent hostile ‘strategic communications’ campaigns, or the processes of infusing communications activities with an agenda or plan to impact the behaviour of a target audience. Both Russia and ISIL have engaged in aggressive messaging and deceptive media campaigns, albeit ...

Media freedom is one indicator of a country's commitment to democracy, good governance and political accountability, and thus its readiness for EU membership. As such, it represents a key element in any aspiring country's EU enlargement agenda, along with other fundamentals such as the rule of law and economic governance. Each of the Western Balkan countries – Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Kosovo, Montenegro and Serbia – is at a different stage of the ...

Turkey 2014: Work in progress

En bref 11-05-2015

2014 got off to a seemingly good start: then Prime Minister, and current President, Recep Tayyip Erdoğan declared it the 'Year of the European Union', demonstrating Ankara's commitment to its EU path. However, several challenges strained Turkey's ties to the EU over the course of the year. Accordingly, the Commission's 2014 progress report highlights various political concerns.

One month after leaders from France, Germany, Ukraine and Russia reached a 13-point peace agreement in Minsk on 12 February 2015 – Minsk II, a follow-up to the September 2014 Minsk Protocol – the ceasefire is shaky, although it has at least reduced the number of deaths in combat, and the pressure on the international community to act continues. While Russia denies accusations that it has been sending troops and weapons to support separatists in Ukraine's east, the undeclared 'hybrid war' is developing ...

La présente étude examine comment l'on communique sur l'Europe, en termes tant d'institutions que de valeurs, auprès des citoyens. Elle s'attache à expliquer les principales tendances observées dans la perception par le grand public, évalue la stratégie de communication des acteurs concernés et, enfin, formule des recommandations pour les actions qu'il conviendrait de mener à l'avenir.