
Vos résultats

Affichage 10 de 14 résultats

Jews have lived throughout Europe as an important minority for almost two thousand years, and their fate has varied from one period to another according to the changing political situation. Both their prosperity and their relatively peaceful enjoyment of some freedoms have, at times, suddenly been removed. Discrimination, expropriations, banishments, looting and even pogroms have been recurrent events in the lives of Europe's Jewish communities down through the centuries. The Holocaust, initiated ...

Museums, together with archives, galleries and libraries (GLAM), are guardians of collective memory and cultural heritage. They take care of and protect artefacts of historic and artistic importance that testify to the evolution of humanity and its artistic and intellectual achievements. These artefacts have been collected and stored in museums and their reserves for future generations to enjoy, study and research. However, their future is at stake owing to climate change, global warming and unstable ...

Lorsque les nazis s’emparent du pouvoir en Allemagne, ils ont déjà une idée bien arrêtée de ce qu’est l’art. La persécution des Juifs leur permet de saisir des biens juifs, d’interdire aux Juifs de diriger des galeries d’art, de les exiler hors de leur pays et de les envoyer vers les camps de la mort. Certains membres éminents du régime en profiteront pour fonder leurs propres collections d’art, mais parmi les œuvres d’art pillées, la plupart des pièces classiques de valeur seront destinées à des ...

Having considered the possibility of merging the Creative Europe programme with other programmes supporting European values, rights and justice, the European Commission has decided to continue the Creative Europe programme as a stand-alone programme, increasing its budget by 17 %. The only programme focusing exclusively on cultural and creative activities and enterprises, it falls under the 'Cohesion and values' heading of the 2021-2027 multiannual financial framework. The previous programme focused ...

Les secteurs de la culture et de la création (SCC) se caractérisaient déjà avant la pandémie de COVID-19 par des structures organisationnelles et des conditions de travail précaires. Parmi les nombreux éléments à l’origine de cet état de fait, on peut citer la fragmentation des chaînes de valeur, le fonctionnement par projet et les modèles économiques fondés sur la propriété intellectuelle (qui n’est pas bien protégée).

In this introductory in-depth analysis, we report six key findings on the use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in the cultural and creative sectors (CCS). Finding 1: AI challenges the creative value-chain in two ways: shifting services performed by humans to algorithms and empowering the individual creator. Finding 2: AI-generated content challenges authorship, ownership and copyright infringement. New exclusive rights on datasets must be designed in order to better incentivise innovation and research ...

Arts in the digital era

Briefing 21-11-2019

Arts and technology have always been inter-related. Artistic expression has been facilitated thanks to technological innovation that enabled artists either to adapt technologies meant for other purposes, or to invent them as a way to foster the creative process. The past 30 years have seen the rapid development and deployment of digital technology, and an ever-increasing use of information and communications technologies for all sorts of needs, including artistic expression. One of the most recent ...

Statistical data confirm the continued rise in the contribution of culture and art to the economy and employment in the EU and worldwide. An analysis of labour market data for culture and arts professionals provides an insight into the nature of the employment and livelihood which the sector provides. However, it points to frequent incidence of short-term contracts, part-time jobs and seasonal employment, two or more parallel jobs for people with university diplomas, and this employment situation ...

From the first canvas paintings to the production of musical instruments and contemporary cinema, art as we know it would be simply impossible without resource to humanity’s historical cache of technology development. The reverse of this relationship is also important, with the arts creating driving innovation and generating substantial demand for technology products. In the course of their work, artists often develop new techniques and push the boundaries of the imagination in ways that can provoke ...

This report examines how digital technology change is affecting artistic activity and how artistic activity is affecting digital technology. Artistic activity is broadly defined to include design, film, computer games, architecture, music and fashion as well as art. The focus is on digital technology’s role in creative activity. The study examines global trends with a particular focus on the European Union (EU). It describes likely future trends and sets out policy options to encourage activity at ...