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Brexit could have a major impact on EU development and humanitarian policies. However, although Brexit is highly likely to happen, there are still uncertainties about the UK’s new foreign policy approach and its repercussions on aid. The UK may act under three different scenarios (nationalist, realist, cosmopolitan) with different consequences for EU aid. The UK’s leaving would challenge the EU’s role as the world’s leading donor: EU aid may decrease by up to 3 % and it could lose between 10 % and ...

This study pays critical attention to two specific issue areas, which the financing instruments ought to be concerned with: First, the EU has developed tools and instruments to react to and prevent ‘protracted crises’. The results of this study show that the current set of instruments forms a good basis to the challenges associated with protracted crisis. In fact, no new instrument is needed to specifically address protracted crises. However, the operationalisation of instruments should be optimised ...

The EU's trade policy does not exist in a vacuum. On the one hand, it is affected by international standard and rule-setting. On the other hand, the EU is itself an influential actor shaping the international trade agenda by participating in the work of international organisations and fora. This short note focuses on the World Bank.

The Ibero-American Conference

En bref 08-09-2015

Established in 1991 as the only truly regional space for dialogue and cooperation, the Ibero-American Conference is the first bi-continental international organisation, gathering Spanish- and Portuguese-speaking countries of Europe and the Americas. With the gradual emergence of other regional fora, it has had to adapt to the changing environment.

Neven Mimica, the recently-confirmed European Commissioner for International Cooperation and Development, appeared before the European Parliament's Committee on Development (DEVE) on 29 September 2014 to answer MEPs' questions. In that hearing and in his answers to the questionnaire prepared for the meeting, Commissioner Mimica made a number of statements of interest to the European Parliament. This document provides a summary of his most salient points.

Christos Stylianides, the recently-confirmed European Commissioner for Humanitarian Aid and Crisis Management, appeared before the European Parliament's Committee on Development (DEVE) on 30 September 2014 to answer MEPs' questions. In that hearing and in his answers to the questionnaire prepared for the meeting in advance, Commissioner Stylianides made a number of statements of interest to the European Parliament. This document provides a summary of his most salient points.

Le développement de la région du Pacifique est inégal, multidimensionnel, et l'on peut dire qu'il pose pas mal de problèmes. Le volume de la coopération au développement de l'Union européenne avec les États du Pacifique est plus que respectable et fait même de l'Union le deuxième bailleur de fonds consacrés à l'aide au développement dans la région. L'étude qui suit, réalisée par le consortium ECOPAS (European Consortium for Pacific Studies), analyse les engagements dans le contexte actuel et les ...

In December 2013, the European Parliament (EP) approved the compromise text agreed in trilogue on a new Regulation on the Development Cooperation Instrument (DCI), the EU's major financial instrument for development cooperation in the 2014-20 period. The Council is expected shortly to approve the text in its turn, ensuring adoption of the legislative act at first reading.

The year 2015 marks an important milestone in international development cooperation. It is the deadline both for the achievement of the current Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) as well as the European Union’s (EU) formal undertaking to collectively commit 0.7% of Gross National Income (GNI) to Official Development Assistance (ODA). At the same time, a new development framework will be adopted in 2015, which will set the international community’s development agenda until 2030. This represents an ...

Despite steadily increasing inflows of official development assistance (ODA), fragile and conflict-affected states lag considerably behind other developing countries in achieving the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) by the 2015 target. Fragility and armed conflicts have seriously undermined their development. The "New Deal" framework has been specifically designed for and tailored to the development needs of fragile states. It challenges traditional donor-led development concepts, but has since ...