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Affichage 10 de 14 résultats

Adding to a succession of coups in the Sahel region, the 26 July ousting of Niger's democratically elected President Mohamed Bazoum is already having major consequences in the region and for the credibility of the African Union and Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS). It also challenges the security architecture that the European Union (EU), France, other EU Member States, such as Germany and Italy, and the United States sought to build in the Sahel to fight terrorism. Jihadist attacks ...

Recent events have shown that the Sahel region remains highly politically unstable. The military takeover of the Chadian government following President Idriss Déby's sudden death in April 2021 and the repercussions of the August 2020 and May 2021 military coups in Mali are worrying signs of weak democratic governance structures. Burkina Faso's transitional democracy has also been severely destabilised by the activities of extremist groups and internal conflicts. This political fragility and the lack ...

La politique de sécurité et de défense commune (PSDC) a été quelque peu oubliée dans les engagements stratégiques que l’Union a pris pour concilier les impératifs dictés par le changement climatique et les enjeux de sa sécurité, ainsi que dans les instruments dont elle s’est dotée à cette fin. Cette étude aborde les conséquences du changement climatique en matière de sécurité dans le voisinage de l’Union et formule des recommandations sur la manière dont la PSDC pourrait intégrer les facteurs climatiques ...

La présente étude thématique, la troisième de la collection «Paix et sécurité», porte sur la contribution de l’Union européenne (UE) à la résolution des conflits au Sahel, au rétablissement de la stabilité et à l’instauration de la paix dans la région. Chaque année, les études publiées dans cette collection examinent les résultats obtenus par l’Union dans le domaine de la paix et de la sécurité dans une région donnée. La présente étude fait le point sur la mobilisation de l’Union au Sahel, en particulier ...

The August 2020 coup in Mali recalls the coup the country witnessed in 2012 and highlights the growing instability and insecurity the Sahel region has been facing for a decade now. The combined effect of population growth, poverty, climate change, unsustainable land tenure and marginalisation of peripheral populations has been fuelling community-based tensions and anger towards governments in the region. Weak state power and porous borders have enabled the proliferation of jihadist and other armed ...

The August 2020 coup in Mali has once again demonstrated the instability of the Sahel. The region is affected by climate change and rapid population growth. Rivalries over access to livelihoods exacerbate grievances against states. Struggling to provide basic services throughout their territory and security at their borders, governments are competing with armed groups that have emerged from the failed regimes of Central Africa, North Africa and the Middle East. The instability in this region has ...

At the European Council meeting on 18 October, European Union Heads of State or Government vowed to step up the fight against illegal migration, by intensifying efforts to crack down on smuggling networks, protect external borders and cooperate with countries of origin and transit. The EU's southern borders remain under pressure from irregular migrants escaping poverty and conflicts in the Middle East and Africa, although the leaders noted that illegal border crossings into the EU have declined by ...

Next week, European Union Heads of State or Government will discuss the politically charged issue of reforming the EU’s migration and asylum policies. Divisions among EU members over how to handle migrants were exposed again earlier this month when Italy’s new government tightened its migration policy, while the German ruling coalition faced a potentially destabilising rift over the issue. The EU's southern borders remain under pressure from irregular migrants escaping poverty and war in the Middle ...

The European Union (EU) and the African Union (AU) will hold their fifth summit on 29-30 November 2017 in Abidjan, Côte d'Ivoire, with the aim of strengthening political and economic relations between the two continents. The focus of the meeting is on investing in youth, which is a priority for Africa, where 60 % of the population is under the age of 25. Other key topics include security, governance and democracy, human rights, migration and mobility, as well as investment and trade, skills development ...

La Mauritanie, un allié important de l’Union européenne dans la lutte contre le terrorisme dans la région du Sahel, se trouve confrontée à plusieurs problèmes interdépendants en matière de développement: garantir une utilisation efficace des revenus tirés des ressources naturelles, assurer la diversification économique et améliorer sa gouvernance. Les relations politiques difficiles entre les trois principaux groupes ethniques du pays viennent compliquer davantage ces problèmes. Les Beidhan d’origine ...