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Affichage 10 de 25 résultats

Au cours de sa session plénière de janvier, le Parlement débattra et votera sur trois rapports d’initiative sur la politique commune de la pêche (PCP), faisant le point de la situation dix ans après la dernière réforme de la politique de la pêche et donnant suite à l’évaluation de la politique par la Commission. Ces rapports contribueront à orienter le débat sur l’avenir de la PCP.

This At a glance note summarises the study investigating the welfare of the main fish species reared in the European Union, and highlighting current knowledge on fish welfare, knowledge gaps, fish needs and husbandry methods of concern for fish welfare. The study focuses on production systems and production phases in a species-specific way. Research includes a literature review, an evaluation of the regulatory framework, a stakeholders’ consultation, case studies and a SWOT analysis. Conclusions ...

The IUU Regulation (1005/2008) is the core of the EU’s legal framework for action against global IUU fishing. Its primary objective is to prevent, deter and eliminate the trade of IUU-caught products into the EU. One of its key components is a multiple-step procedure for dealing with non-EU countries considered uncooperative in the fight against IUU fishing. Sixth edition. This infographic further updates an earlier one, the previous edition of which was in March 2021. For more information on IUU ...

This overview of the fisheries sector in the Republic of Ireland (henceforth: Ireland) provides information for the delegation of the PECH committee to the country (Cork, 17-19 September 2018).

The Åland Islands is an autonomous, demilitarised, Swedish-speaking region of Finland. The archipelago has its own government and parliament. The Åland Islands is a small society with an open economy that is dependent on trade with its neighbouring regions, notably Southern Finland and the Stockholm region. In 2017 the Åland Islands had 6 aquaculture facilities operating. The number of employed persons in the aquaculture sector was 95 people in that same year. The number of employed persons in the ...

La pêche européenne en chiffres

Fiches thématiques sur l’UE 01-09-2017

Les tableaux ci-dessous montrent des données statistiques de base dans plusieurs domaines relatifs à la politique commune de la pêche (PCP), à savoir: les flottes de pêche des États membres en 2014 (tableau I), la situation de l'emploi dans les secteurs de la pêche, de l'aquaculture et de la transformation du poisson en 2011 (tableau II), le bilan d'approvisionnement de la pêche et des produits d'aquaculture en 2012 (tableau III), la consommation de poisson et de produits d'aquaculture en 2012 (tableau ...

The overview of the fisheries in Madeira was prepared to provide information for the mission of the Committee of Fisheries to Madeira in 2017 (22-25 May).

Clams are an important fishery resource in the European Union. The Adriatic Sea clam fishery shows a declining trend and is losing market share. There is increasing interest to reduce the minimum landing size in order to allow further landings to reduce the socioeconomic impact. This particular situation is examined in this paper and an expert opinion is produced on the way forward.

This study describes fisheries, stock status, ICES advice and management measures for the Northern and Southern sardine stocks in EU Atlantic waters. Information on sardine biology and ecology is provided for a better understanding of stock development. Social and economic dimensions are addressed for sardine fisheries in France, Spain and Portugal. The study provides recommendations to improve knowledge on the species and indicates management measures which might be considered for the sustainability ...