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Our infographic provides an insight into the economic performance of Nigeria compared to the EU, and looks at the trade dynamics between the two. While GDP growth in Nigeria recovered quickly after a slight recession in 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic, a growing unemployment rate combined with rising inflation represent an economic challenge to the African country. Nigeria is an oil exporter, and the absence of local oil refinery capacities provides an opportunity for some EU Member States - mainly ...

The increase of severe food insecurity is a major point of concern. At the request of the Parliament’s Development committee, two briefings were prepared to explore the role of food security and nutrition as basic interventions in development policies. By drawing on a series of ‘stories from the field’, the first briefing showed the importance of focusing on supporting local food systems, while incorporating a household-centric view of crop diversification and resilience. The second briefing built ...

While the UN Human Development Index, which assesses progress in the standard of living, health and education, ranks Russia among the 'very high human development' countries, other data suggest a more nuanced reality. Russia has gone from Soviet-era egalitarianism to extremes of wealth and poverty. Economic growth during the first decade under Vladimir Putin's leadership slightly reduced the gap between rich and poor, but inequality is still higher than in most developed countries. Factors such as ...

The Joint Africa-EU Strategy

Étude 15-11-2017

Implementation of the Joint Africa-EU Strategy (JAES) has taken place in a rapidly evolving political scenario at the global level and specifically within Europe and Africa. The overarching objectives identified in 2007 still remain valid, but concrete priorities now need to be adapted to the new reality. At the strategic level, a refinement of the Africa-EU partnership has become urgent following the adoption of Agenda 2063 and the EU Global Strategy. At policy level, lessons learned from the implementation ...

L’Union européenne et l’Afrique s’apprêtent à redéfinir leurs priorités de coopération au titre de la stratégie commune Afrique-UE adoptée il y a dix ans. Le Parlement européen va donc débattre, lors de la première session plénière du mois de novembre, d’une résolution exposant sa position sur cette question, dans la perspective du sommet UE-Afrique prévu fin novembre. Le sommet portera principalement sur la nécessité d’investir dans la jeunesse, question de plus en plus importante au regard de la ...