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2022 report on Bosnia and Herzegovina

Kratki prikaz 06-07-2023

Bosnia and Herzegovina, a country with a population of 3.5 million people, declared independence from the former Yugoslavia on 3 March 1992, following a referendum that was boycotted by the Serbian Democratic Party. In December 2022, following the European Commission's recommendation, the Council agreed to grant Bosnia and Herzegovina EU candidate status, stressing the urgent need for the country to advance on its European path. The Parliament's position on the Commission's 2022 annual report on ...

2021 Report on Bosnia and Herzegovina

Kratki prikaz 29-06-2022

Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH), with a population of 3.8 million, became independent from the former Yugoslavia on 3 March 1992, following a referendum that was boycotted by ethnic Serbs. Bosnia and Herzegovina was offered an EU membership perspective during the EU-Western Balkans summit in Thessaloniki (2003), subsequently restated in Sofia (2018), Zagreb (2020), Brdo (2021) and, most recently, Brussels (2022). The Parliament is expected to vote on the European Commission's 2021 annual report on BiH ...

Stabilizacija unutarnje političke situacije u Bosni i Hercegovini, zemlji koja je 1. ožujka 2022. proslavila 30. obljetnicu svoje neovisnosti, no prijeti joj unutarnje urušavanje, i dalje je jedan od prioriteta Europske unije. U tom je cilju predsjednica Europske komisije Ursula von der Leyen pozvala na „hitan napredak u području izbornih i ustavnih reformi” koje su bitne i uoči općih izbora predviđenih 2. listopada 2022. To je stajalište odraz rezolucije Europskog parlamenta o izvješćima Komisije ...

Bosna i Hercegovina (BiH) je, zajedno s ostalim zemljama zapadnog Balkana, prepoznata kao potencijalna zemlja kandidatkinja za članstvo u EU-u na sastanku na vrhu Europskog vijeća održanom u Solunu u lipnju 2003. godine. BiH je zatražila članstvo u EU-u u veljači 2016. Komisija je u svibnju 2019. donijela mišljenje o zahtjevu BiH za članstvo u EU-u, no unutarnja politička nestabilnost i nedostatak političkih reformi oslabili su izglede te zemlje za pristupanje EU-u.

The November I plenary session highlights included statements and debates on the 30th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall and on the 30th anniversary of the adoption of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child. Parliament also debated statements made by the Vice-President of the European Commission/High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy (HR/VP) on Turkish drilling activities in European Union waters in the Eastern Mediterranean, and on the situation in ...

Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH) has become a transit route for migrants heading towards western Europe since early 2018. Around 8 000 migrants are currently present in the country, mainly originating from southern Asia and the Middle East. Reception capacities were expanded in 2018, using EU funds, but remain insufficient. In 2019, BiH has been unable to establish additional locations for temporary reception centres, despite EU funds being available. Access to asylum in BiH is also effectively being ...

The February plenary session highlights included a further debate on the Future of Europe, with Giuseppe Conte, Italy's Prime Minister; debates on Syria, and the future of the INF Treaty and its impact on the EU; and discussions on Roma integration strategies, and on a reflection paper on a sustainable Europe by 2030. Parliament also held debates on the conclusion of three EU-Singapore agreements; the implementation of Treaty provisions; and the rights of LGBTI people. Members adopted legislative ...

This first thematic study of the Peace and Security series focuses on European Union (EU) peacebuilding efforts in the Western Balkans. The series will make an annual evaluation of EU performance in the field of peace and security in a specific geographical region. Examining EU engagement in the Western Balkans, the study assesses the extent to which the Union has been able to transform and strengthen the region's governance, economy and resilience. The study is organised around three key inter-connected ...

The first EU-Western Balkans Summit in a decade and a half takes place in Sofia in May 2018, under the Bulgarian Presidency of the Council. That is just one indicator of the EU's renewed engagement with the six countries of the region, with the Commission's February 2018 enlargement strategy reaffirming their perspective of joining the Union. This infographic, one of a series produced by EPRS in cooperation with Globalstat, offers an overview of the main economic and trade data – in particular on ...

Saudi Arabia in the Western Balkans

Kratki prikaz 17-11-2017

The Gulf States, along with other external players, have raised their profile in the Western Balkans in recent years. While most have set out on an economic quest, Saudi Arabia is considered to have a more ideological approach, seeking a strong role among the region's Muslims. In the 1990s Bosnian war, it provided significant aid for the Muslim cause and has stayed in the region to expand its influence, introducing stricter interpretations of Islam that are gradually taking root there.