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Plenary round-up – May II 2023

Rövid áttekintés 02-06-2023

Among the key moments of the May II plenary session were debates on breaches of the rule of law and fundamental rights in Hungary and frozen EU funds, and on the threat to democracy and the rule of law in Poland, in particular through the creation of an investigative committee. Roberta Metsola, President of the European Parliament, made a statement on the 10-year anniversary of the Rana Plaza collapse in Bangladesh. Another debate addressed the social and economic costs of climate change in light ...

This briefing describes the treaty provisions and appointment procedure for ECA members at EU level. In addition, it provides information on the national nomination procedure for the ECA member in Hungary and the country's candidate.

Eredetileg 16 830 millió EUR volt Magyaroroszág részesedése a Helyreállítási és Rezilienciaépítési Eszközből (RRF), amiből 7176 millió EUR vissza nem térítendő támogatás, 9663 millió EUR pedig hitel (az utóbbi összeg 2023 augusztusáig áll rendelkezésre). Magyarország a rendelkezésre álló vissza nem térítendő támogatások teljes becsült összegét kérte, a hiteleket azonban nem. Figyelembe véve a Magyarország 2020–2021. évi bruttó hazai termékére (GDP) vonatkozó aktualizált adatokat, továbbá a 2022 júniusában ...

This study contains background materials for PEGA Committee mission to Hungary. The briefing has been prepared by the European Parliament’s Policy Department for Citizens’ Rights and Constitutional Affairs at the request of the PEGA Committee.

On 12 December 2022, the Council adopted the Hungarian recovery and resilience plan (RRP) based on the Commission’s positive evaluation. Compared to the original plan, a whole new component of measures has been added (Component 9: Governance and Public Administration) containing 38 measures with 111 milestones and targets. Of these, 27 milestones are referred to as ‘super milestones’ without which no payment under the RRF will be allowed. These ‘super milestones’ include some of the Key Implementation ...

This study examines the value added by the Recovery and Resilience Facility (RRF) funding in four specific countries: Estonia, Hungary, Poland, and Romania. Focusing on each country’s national plans for utilising the funding, we identify where national plans may have generated value added and where additional work is needed to make RRF funding more effective.

Az EU 2030-ra vonatkozó kötelező erejű éghajlat- és energiapolitikai jogszabályai előírják a tagállamok számára, hogy a 2021–2030-as időszakra vonatkozóan nemzeti energia- és klímaterveket (NEKT-eket) fogadjanak el. 2020 októberében az Európai Bizottság közzétette az egyes nemzeti energia- és klímatervek értékelését. Magyarország 2019 decemberében nyújtotta be Nemzeti Energia- és Klímatervét. A magyarok nagy része (60%-a) elvárja, hogy a nemzeti kormányok kezeljék az éghajlatváltozást. Magyarország ...

In most Member States, visitor’ groups are not sponsored to visit the national parliament. A visit to the national parliament is free of charge, and all the costs related to the visit, for example travel costs, accommodation and local minor expenses, need to be paid by the visitors themselves. Germany is the only country which has various kinds of programmes where visitors can be reimbursed. Members of Parliament can invite up to 200 people a year of which the travel costs are partially covered ...

On 15 June 2021, the Hungarian Parliament adopted a law originally intended to fight paedophilia, which, following amendments proposed by Members from the ruling Fidesz party, contains clauses prohibiting the portrayal of homosexuality and gender-reassignment to minors. Additionally, the law prohibits homosexuality and gender reassignment from being featured in sex education classes, and stipulates that such classes can now only be taught by registered organisations. Furthermore, changes to the Business ...

The regular European Council meeting of 24-25 June 2021 was noteworthy on several fronts. First, there was an extensive discussion on the rule of law and European values, a topic rarely discussed at the level of EU leaders. It took place in the context of a new Hungarian law on child protection, which includes provisions considered by many as discriminatory against LGBTQI+ people. Second, following a Franco-German proposal, there was an intense debate about the EU approach to relations with Russia ...