

Találat 10 a(z) … -ból/-ből 14 eredmények

On 14 February 2017, the European Commission adopted a proposal amending Regulation (EU) No 182/2011 (the 'Comitology Regulation') in order to increase the transparency and accountability of the decision-making process leading to the adoption of implementing acts. The main elements of the proposal include amending the voting rules for the Appeal Committee (AC) in order to reduce the risk of a no opinion scenario and to clarify the positions of the Member States, providing for the possibility of a ...

Amending the Comitology Regulation

Rövid áttekintés 10-12-2020

When adopting implementing acts, the Commission acts under the scrutiny of the Member States (represented in specialised committees and an appeal committee) following mechanisms set out in the Comitology Regulation. In 2017, the Commission proposed amendments to this Regulation, aimed at eliminating 'no opinion' deadlocks in the appeal committee and increasing transparency in the procedure. The European Parliament is expected to vote on the proposal during the December plenary session.

Adapting legal acts to Articles 290 and 291 TFEU

Rövid áttekintés 10-04-2019

By introducing delegated and implementing acts, the Lisbon Treaty (2007) reformed the system of conferring upon the Commission the power to adopt non-legislative measures. However, a certain category of pre-Lisbon acts, referred to as 'regulatory procedure with scrutiny' (RPS) measures, remained unaligned to the new system. Following Commission proposals of December 2016, a number of acts referring to RPS are now to be aligned with the Lisbon Treaty, while others remain to be negotiated. Having reached ...

Member States' success in implementing environmental legislation can be measured through the information they send to the European Commission (reporting), which is based on the control activities they carry out (monitoring). In its 2018 work programme, the European Commission announced its intention to streamline requirements in this area, as a follow-up to a Fitness Check on Environmental Monitoring and Reporting (finalised in June 2017).

TARGET balances are the claims and liabilities of euro area national central banks (NCBs) with the ECB. TARGET balances add up to zero but the sum of the absolute value of these balances has grown substantially since 2008. The levels of TARGET balances within the Eurosystem has never been so high. In September 2017, Germany’s positive TARGET balance equalled €879 billion, which is over 25 percent of current German GDP. Luxembourg, Netherlands and Finland have also built up large claims relative ...

Az Európai Bizottság

Ismertetők az EU-ról 01-04-2017

A Bizottság az Európai Unió intézménye, amely birtokolja a jogalkotási kezdeményezés monopóliumát, valamint jelentős végrehajtási hatáskörökkel rendelkezik olyan területeken, mint a versenypolitika szabályozása vagy a külkereskedelem. A Bizottság az Európai Unió legfőbb végrehajtó szerve, amelyet a biztosok testülete – tagállamonként egy-egy biztos – alkot. Ezenkívül a Bizottság ellátja az uniós jogszabályok végrehajtásáért felelős szakbizottságok elnöki tisztét. A korábbi komitológiai rendszer helyébe ...

Az európai uniós jog forrásai és hatálya

Ismertetők az EU-ról 01-04-2017

Az Európai Unió jogi személyiséggel és saját, a nemzetközi jogtól elkülönült jogrenddel rendelkezik. Az EU jogszabályai közvetlen vagy közvetett hatással vannak a tagállamok jogszabályaira, és az egyes tagállamok jogrendszerének részévé válnak. Az Európai Unió önmagában jogforrás. A jogrend rendszerint elsődleges jogra (a szerződések és az általános jogelvek) és másodlagos jogra (a szerződéseken alapuló jog), valamint kiegészítő jogra tagolódik.

Food contact materials

Rövid áttekintés 27-09-2016

Food is considered to be one of the most important sources of human exposure to chemicals. The safety of materials coming into contact with food should therefore be carefully evaluated, as chemicals from these can migrate into food. The European Parliament’s Committee on the Environment, Public Health and Food Safety (ENVI) has drafted an own-initiative report highlighting the problems related to the implementation of the Food Contact Materials Regulation, and this is due to be debated during the ...

European Semester: Annual Growth Survey 2015

Rövid áttekintés 02-03-2015

The European Semester is an annual exercise allowing coordination of the budgetary and economic policies of the Member States. The 2015 cycle started in November 2014 with the Annual Growth Survey which outlined the main economic priorities for the EU, and recommended three main pillars to promote growth and economic recovery. The Survey also proposed to streamline the European Semester, in order to improve the implementation of country-specific recommendations.

This report has been drafted upon the invitation of the European Parliament to perform a study on the provisions, instruments or areas of activity of EU institutions, bodies, offices and agencies, where judicial review is not possible. As the judicial reviewability of EU soft administrative and regulatory rule-making is particularly problematic, this type of rule-making has been put central. The report aims at highlighting the institutional, procedural and judicial framework within which soft rule-making ...