

Találat 10 a(z) … -ból/-ből 19 eredmények

During its July plenary session, Parliament is set to discuss the Committee on Budgetary Control's report on the control of the European Investment Bank's financial activities in 2019. The report highlights the role of the Bank in financing the European Green Deal, and its gradual shift towards being 'the EU Climate Bank'. It also looks into the implementation of the European Fund for Strategic Investments (EFSI) and the Bank's external operations, among other things. As last year, the report strongly ...

As part of the common European response to the coronavirus outbreak, the European Commission has mobilised €1 billion under Horizon 2020, and launched several special actions to tackle the coronavirus pandemic in Europe and abroad. These actions address, inter alia, the development of diagnostics, treatments and vaccines, and the enhancement of infrastructures and resources that enable research. The European Research Area’s action plan prioritises mainly better cooperation, data-sharing, and funding ...

Argentina: Economic indicators and trade with EU

Rövid áttekintés 07-12-2018

In 2017, Argentina’s economy continued its gradual recovery from major macroeconomic imbalances with a GDP per capita growth rate of 2.9% thanks to austerity measures and a comprehensive reform agenda. However, inflation at 25.7% and unemployment at 8.5% remained high. Whereas economic fundamentals were slowly improving and the country’s political context remained stable after president Mauricio Macri made political gains at the mid-term legislative elections in October 2017, a crisis of confidence ...

The European Commission adopted two delegated decisions designed to counter the effects of United States (US) extraterritorial sanctions against Iran on 6 June 2018. One of the decisions updates Regulation (EC) 2271/96, known as the Blocking Regulation, to prohibit EU companies from complying with the US sanctions against companies investing in, or transacting business with, Iran. The second decision (C(2018) 3730 final) – the subject of this 'At a glance' note – brings Iran within the remit of the ...

Az Európai Beruházási Bank

Ismertetők az EU-ról 01-11-2017

Az Európai Beruházási Bank (EBB) hosszú távú projektfinanszírozás, garanciák és tanácsadás biztosítása révén előmozdítja az Európai Unió célkitűzéseit. Unión belüli és kívüli projekteket egyaránt támogat. Részvényesei az EU tagállamai. Az EBB az Európai Beruházási Alap (EBA) fő részvényese, és a két intézmény együtt alkotja az EBB-csoportot. A Bizottság által javasolt „Európai beruházási terv” keretében az EBB-csoport egy szélesebb stratégia részét képezi, amelynek célja, hogy áthidalja a súlyos ...

A déli partnerek

Ismertetők az EU-ról 01-09-2017

Az európai szomszédságpolitika Algériára, Egyiptomra, Izraelre, Jordániára, Libanonra, Líbiára, Marokkóra, Palesztinára, Szíriára és Tunéziára terjed ki. Az Unió és a tíz partnerország közötti kétoldalú politikákból áll, melyeket kiegészít egy regionális együttműködési keret, az Unió a Mediterrán Térségért. A déli szomszédságban lezajlott demokratikus felkelésekre válaszképpen az Unió 2011-ben fellendítette a demokratikus átalakulásokra irányuló, az európai szomszédságpolitika keretében nyújtott ...

Turkey: Economic indicators and trade with EU

Rövid áttekintés 08-06-2017

The EU is Turkey's number one trading partner, and Turkey the EU's fifth trading partner – and the only one with which the EU has concluded a custom union. Turkish growth remains strong (4% in 2015 against 2% for the EU), even if unemployment remains at a high level, around 9%. Nevertheless, Turkey's economy is driven by exports and foreign investment, inflation remains strong (around 7%, while the euro area aims at 2%) and the Turkish lira remains volatile. In the framework of accession negotiations ...

This study follows up on the European Court of Auditors Special Report 16/2009 ‘The European Commission's management of pre-accession assistance to Turkey’. The European Commission has undertaken actions addressing the recommendations of the report but it is unclear how effective these actions have been, or are likely to be, in addressing the underlying concerns expressed in the report. In particular, understanding of the effectiveness and impact of European Union funding to Turkey is still very ...

The European Union has not yet fully recovered from the global financial and economic crisis. GDP growth rates have begun to increase only slowly, and in most EU Member States investment activity lags behind pre-crisis levels – indicating sizable investment gaps. In fact, gross fixed capital formation in the euro area has declined by 15% since 2007. In 2014, the European Investment Bank (EIB), the EU's public bank and largest multilateral lending institution, contributed financing of €80.3 billion ...

The aim of this study is to provide a comprehensive analysis and assessment of how the European Investment Bank contributes to the achievement of Cohesion Policy objectives. The study finds that the role of the European Investment Bank in Cohesion Policy increased significantly in the 2007-13 programme period and continues to increase in 2014-20. Research results show that there is limited understanding of the effectiveness of European Investment Bank contributions to Cohesion Policy. In order to ...