

Találat 10 a(z) … -ból/-ből 56 eredmények

This report examines youth-oriented active labour market policies under Pillar 6 of the Resilience and Recovery Facility instrument. The report focuses on school to work transition trends for the past 10 years and in the aftermath of COVID-19. It examines the Recovery and Resilience Plans’ main features in this domain, and the Southern EU countries’ approach to active labour market policies for young people. We draw policy recommendations aiming at horizontal and vertical collaboration in the implementation ...

Migration to the European Union from third countries has been substantial over the past few decades, as Europe has historically been considered a continent of relative economic prosperity and political stability. While many foreign-born individuals arrive in the European Union (EU) to work, pursue studies or join family members, the EU also receives a large number of asylum-seekers and refugees, not least in the context of the war in Ukraine since February 2022. As host societies, EU Member States ...

Despite significant progress for some social groups in the area of work-life balance, there has been a general trend of decline since 2011, and progress amongst Member States has been uneven. This proposed directive (complemented with non-legislative measures) should lead to the repeal of the existing Framework Agreement on Parental Leave, made binding by Council Directive 2010/18/EU (the Parental Leave Directive). The new directive contains proposals for paternity, parental and carers' leave. Stakeholders ...

The present note aims to assess how changes introduced in 2013 have (not) improved beneficiaries’ experience in the implementation of the ESF across EU Member States. The results from the desk research, interviews and an online survey show that administrative burdens continue to be an important challenge, notwithstanding the measures adopted for simplification and to support access and participation in ESF interventions. The note identifies possible problem areas as well a list of recommendations ...

Returning more and more migrants with irregular status to their countries of origin has become a key European Union aim in efforts to reduce chaotic and dangerous migration flows. Despite its high political priority, reiterated in European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker's 2017 State of the Union address, the effective implementation of this objective is problematic, mainly due to resistance at the individual level, but also from the countries of origin. The 2016 partnership framework with ...


Ismertetők az EU-ról 01-06-2017

Az Európa 2020 stratégia legfontosabb célkitűzései közé tartozik a munkahelyek számának és minőségének javítása. Az európai foglalkoztatási stratégia, valamint a foglalkoztatáspolitikai iránymutatások és támogató programok (például a foglalkoztatás és a szociális innováció európai programja) arra szolgálnak, hogy elősegítsék a növekedést, a munkahelyteremtést, a munkaerő mobilitását és a társadalmi haladást.

Az Európai Szociális Alap

Ismertetők az EU-ról 01-06-2017

Az Európai Szociális Alapot (ESZA) a Római Szerződés hozta létre azzal a céllal, hogy javítsa a közös piacon a munkavállalói mobilitás és a foglalkoztatás lehetőségeit. Feladatait és operatív szabályait később felülvizsgálták, hogy azok tükrözzék a tagállamok gazdasági és foglalkoztatási helyzetében bekövetkezett fejleményeket, valamint az uniós szinten meghatározott politikai prioritások alakulását.

This Workshop report provides analysis on the Youth Guarantee, a policy initiative, and the Youth Employment Initiative, a funding instrument to fight youth unemployment. Country examples include Slovenia and Spain. The report presents key points from the discussion with Committee Members. such as achievements, sustainability, expectations towards the Committee Members.

This note provides an overview of the overall state of implementation of the Youth Guarantee and analyses selected results, such as coverage and the take-up of offers by young people. It discusses issues of service delivery and the quality of offers under Youth Gurantee schemes with a view to stakeholder positions.

This document was prepared by Policy Department A for the Committee on Employment and Social Affairs to feed into its own-initiative report on “Minimum income policies as a tool to tackle poverty”. It is an update of the previous two studies published in 2007 and in 2011. It provides updated facts and figures on minimum schemes across EU Member States since 2010, an overview of the evolution of poverty and social exclusion and a summary of recent debates across Europe.