

Találat 8 a(z) … -ból/-ből 8 eredmények

The European Union aims to ensure that road transport rules are applied effectively and without discrimination. The current rules governing the access to the international market for coach and bus services appear to have been only partly effective in promoting this mode of transport. There are still differences in rules on access to national markets, differences in openness of national markets, diverse national access arrangements and discrimination in access to terminals in some EU countries. In ...

Road transport: Social and market rules

Rövid áttekintés 21-03-2019

In May 2017, to upgrade social and market rules in the road haulage sector, the European Commission put forward a set of three proposals: on driving times, posting and cabotage. In June 2018, the European Parliament's Committee on Transport and Tourism (TRAN) adopted its reports on these proposals and mandates to launch interinstitutional negotiations. However, the plenary rejected the mandates to start negotiations and subsequently the three reports, referring them back to the TRAN committee in ...

The study investigates the potential impacts on the EU-27 of a no-deal scenario in the Brexit process, focusing on the transport, postal and tourism sectors. The study analyses both the economic policy and legislative dimension, detailing the practical consequences of such a new status quo. Alternatives to safeguard the EU interests are also discussed in the document and a set of practical recommendations is formulated. A no-deal scenario would seriously hurt both the UK and the EU-27 at least in ...

This note seeks to provide an initial analysis of the strengths and weaknesses of the European Commission's impact assessment (IA) accompanying the above mentioned proposal, submitted on 8 November 2017 and referred to Parliament's Committee on Transport and Tourism. Bus and coach transport is an economical, efficient and sustainable mode of transport that can contribute to reducing emissions and to improving accessibility for citizens with low income or living in isolated and low population density ...

Regulation 1073/2009 lays down the rules applicable to access to the international market for coach and bus services. Research of available documentation shows that there are various challenges to the present system that limit harmonisation in this particular field, including differences in rules on access to national markets across Member States, different openness of national markets and diverse national arrangements negatively influencing free provision of services in the field of transport. The ...

The study updates the 2013 analysis of the social legislation and working conditions of professional drivers engaged in the road freight transport sector. It concentrates on the fundamental social issues that arise in this transport segment, including driving times and rest periods as well as practical aspects that impact directly on the quality of life of drivers, e.g. employment schemes and income levels. After an overall analysis of the legal framework, which includes the EU legislation relevant ...

A közúti fuvarozás: nemzetközi és kabotázs

Ismertetők az EU-ról 01-03-2017

Számos európai jogi aktus elfogadása nyomán fokozatosan liberalizálásra került úgy a nemzetközi közúti fuvarozás, mint az áruk és személyek kabotázsa.

A tanulmány elemzi az európai árufuvarozási kabotázsszolgáltatásokat az Unióban, majd azt tárgyalja, hogy az elmúlt években milyen főbb változások történtek e piac szabályozásában. Az utóbbi tíz évben a változás két fő mozgatórugója az 1072/2009/EK rendelet hatálybalépése és a piacok tagállamok előtti fokozatos megnyitása volt. A tanulmány elemzi a rendeletben elvégzett módosításokat, és megvizsgálja a tagállamokon belüli végrehajtási rendelkezéseket. A tanulmány lehetőség szerint friss statisztikai ...