

Találat 8 a(z) … -ból/-ből 8 eredmények

This infographic examines some economic differences and similarities among countries of the Gulf region and the EU, like GDP growth, GDP per capita and female labour force participation rate. In terms of trade, the Gulf region stands already as an important source of oil and gas for the EU, these products contributing almost two-third of total imports of the latter from the Gulf region.

Enhanced and more focused cooperation between the European Union (EU) and member states of the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) has become a priority for the EU, with a view to jointly addressing a series of global and regional challenges. Building on strong ties established over decades of a close trading and investment relationship, the EU is now seeking to put relations on a more secure footing, with new impetus and a much broader scope. A joint communication on a strategic partnership with the ...

Russia and other energy-rich authoritarian states use their energy exports for economic gains but also as a tool of foreign policy leverage. This study looks at the ways and methods these states have used to exert political pressure through their energy supplies, and what it means for the European Union. Most energy-rich authoritarian states use their energy wealth to ensure regime survival. But, more than others, Russia uses its energy wealth as well to protect and promote its interests in its ‘ ...

Humanitarian policy of the Gulf States

Rövid áttekintés 17-05-2016

At a times of rising global terrorist threats and humanitarian crises affecting the region, the prosperous oil-producing monarchies of the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) – Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, and the United Arab Emirates (UAE) – have come under sustained criticism for their policy towards asylum-seekers, their support to Syrian rebels, including jihadists, and their alleged laxity towards private financing of terrorism. Although the huge increase in their humanitarian spending ...

Countering extremism in Arab countries

Rövid áttekintés 11-05-2016

Terrorist attacks in Sousse, Tunis, Beirut and the Sinai clearly show that hardly any country in the Arab world is immune to the threat posed by jihadi terrorism. Despite their different political agendas, countries in the region have been taking unprecedented steps to identify local factors in radicalisation and recruitment to violent extremism, and to prevent and counter these processes.

The price of oil has fallen significantly since June 2014, from a peak of US$115 per barrel (bl) then to US$26 per barrel in January 2016, although it has somewhat recovered recently. This can partly be explained by weaker demand, robust supply growth and the expanding coverage of mandatory energy effciency provisions worldwide. These changes come at a time of major turmoil in parts of the Middle East. Iraq – with the world’s fifth largest oil reserves – is engaged in the fight against ISIL/Da’esh ...

Upon request by the FEMM Committee, this study examines the economic, political and socio-cultural changes which have affected the situation of women in the Gulf region over the last decades. Through an overall analysis and individual country reports, it notably sheds light on similarities and differences concerning women’s emancipation in Bahrain, Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia and United Arab Emirates. Gender discrimination is discussed both in law and in practice, focusing on women ...

Accused of taking an authori­tarian turn and being unable to sort Egypt's economic problems, Mohammed Morsi, the democrat­ically elected Egyptian president was ousted earlier this year. The ensuing crackdown on his party, the Muslim Brotherhood (MB), has pushed the organisation to return to the underground organisation with which it had worked for decades. The implications are region-wide, not only because of Egypt's strategic position in the Middle East but also because of the impact the Egyptian ...