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Access to housing in the EU has become problematic in recent years. Demography and urbanisation-related structural factors, aggravated by the COVID-19 pandemic, the conflict in Ukraine, soaring energy prices, the cost-of-living crisis and (already high) housing prices that keep rising are preventing many people from accessing decent housing solutions. The lack of affordable housing supply only adds to this situation. These difficulties affect not only low- but now also middle-income households, as ...

The situation of Article 2 TEU values in Estonia

Analisi approfondita 09-02-2024

This briefing, written by the Policy Department for Citizens’ Rights and Constitutional Affairs at the request of the European Parliament's Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs - Democracy, Rule of Law and Fundamental Rights Monitoring Group, examines the situation of Democracy, Rule of Law and Fundamental Rights in Estonia and how the values of Article 2 of the TEU are respected and implemented in the country.

The EU's approach to digital transformation is rooted in protecting fundamental rights, sustainability, ethics and fairness. With this human-centric vision of the digital economy and society, the EU seeks to empower citizens and businesses, regardless of their size. In the EU's view, the internet should remain open, fair, inclusive and focused on people. Digital technologies should work for citizens and help them to engage in society. Companies should be able to compete on equal terms, and consumers ...

In the past decade, continuous migration and asylum pressure on European Union Member States has made the external dimension of the EU's approach to migration management all the more important. The need to address challenges relating to external border management has reoriented EU migration policy towards extended and stricter border controls, combined with the externalisation of migration management through cooperation with third countries. In this context, the external processing of asylum claims ...

An effective return policy that removes from the EU third-country nationals who do not have the right to stay on EU territory is key for ensuring the consistency and credibility of the EU's migration policies. Such a return policy requires common rules and procedures in the EU Member States, implemented in accordance with fundamental rights obligations and respecting the principle of non-refoulement, as well as a robust cooperation framework with third countries that are willing to accept returnees ...

La Mediatrice europea ha presentato la sua relazione annuale 2022 al Parlamento europeo nell'aprile 2023. Le principali questioni sollevate nella relazione riguardano questioni etiche, la trasparenza e la responsabilità. La relazione fornisce inoltre una panoramica della gestione delle denunce e delle indagini e una valutazione degli altri risultati conseguiti dalla Mediatrice nel 2022. La commissione per le petizioni ha discusso la relazione e l'ha approvata; la relazione della commissione sarà ...

Consular protection is one of the rights derived from EU citizenship, a fundamental right in the EU legal framework. Directive 2015/637 on the coordination and cooperation measures to facilitate consular protection for unrepresented EU citizens in third countries obliges any Member State to offer unrepresented EU citizens in third countries the same protection as it provides for its own nationals. In practice, unrepresented EU citizens can seek assistance, for instance, an emergency travel document ...

Lo studio, commissionato dal dipartimento tematico Diritti dei cittadini e affari costituzionali del Parlamento europeo su richiesta della commissione AFCO, esamina lo status degli scioperi politici nell'UE. Mentre gli scioperi dei lavoratori cercano generalmente di esercitare pressioni sui datori di lavoro, gli "scioperi politici" sono rivolti al governo. Benché tali scioperi politici siano spesso organizzati con l'intento di difendere e tutelare gli interessi dei lavoratori, essi possono anche ...

This study, commissioned by the European Parliament’s Policy Department for Citizens’ Rights and Constitutional Affairs at the request of the Committee on Citizens' Rights and Constitutional Affairs (AFCO), explores the regulatory frameworks for citizen-initiated instruments of direct democracy, paying special attention to the citizens' legislative initiative and the citizen-initiated referendum. By carrying out a comparative analysis of the experience of the European Union Member States, as well ...

Il rispetto delle libertà fondamentali e dei diritti umani è un valore fondamentale dell'UE, che quest'ultima promuove attraverso le sue politiche. Il premio Sacharov del Parlamento europeo rende omaggio all'operato di quanti difendono tali libertà e diritti. In un momento in cui la pace e i diritti umani sono sempre più sotto attacco, il premio è oggi più attuale che mai. Quest'anno il premio è stato assegnato alla defunta Jina Mahsa Amini e al movimento "Donna, Vita, Libertà" in Iran. La cerimonia ...