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In July 2023, the European Commission tabled a package of proposals aimed at greening freight transport. One of these proposals focuses on improving the use of rail infrastructure capacity. The proposed text suggests changes to the rules governing the planning and allocation of railway infrastructure capacity, which are currently outlined in Directive 2012/34/EU and Regulation (EU) No 913/2010. The goal of the changes is to enhance the management of rail infrastructure capacity and traffic as a way ...

Low-cost air carriers and tourism

In sintesi 20-06-2017

The liberalisation of air transport, which resulted in the creation of new routes and new business models for airlines, in particular the development of low-cost carriers, has led to lower fares and wider access to air transport. In many countries, air transport is a catalyst for tourism development. As low-cost carriers in the EU have experienced substantial growth, serving mostly short-haul destinations, they are increasingly looking into investing into the long-haul market for their future development ...

The study analyses the disruption created by shared mobility in the funding of transport infrastructure. While recognizing the benefits of shared mobility in terms of reduction of private car use, the study identifies that there might be short term negative effects on the revenues of long distance railway and coach operators. It also points out other potential risks, which include capture of value by commissions charged by platforms mediating mass-transit services (Mobility as a Service), freeriding ...

This study provides a concise overview of passenger ferries as part of the EU Maritime Transport System, focussing on their role in contributing to multimodality. It outlines the ferry industry from a wide perspective, with analysis across spatial scales, from urban to long distance, and with respect to its implications within an economic context. Technological developments and innovations are addressed in view of applicable environmental Regulations.

Commercial success and massive uptake of services provided by companies such as Uber trigger a number of questions for regulators both in the United States and in the European Union. The main question is if such web based applications or platforms merit their success solely to innovation or if their success is due to exploitation of loopholes in regulatory requirements. Citizens and consumer organisations question if regulatory responses to these innovative services are dictated by genuine concerns ...

Around 250 European airports handle less than 5 million passengers per annum - a good one third of them less than 200,000. This analysis shows that all are affected by the changing structure of the airline industry, and that most of them are losing money. It also shows, however, that these similarities shall not mask the diversity of experience and circumstances, and the very different roles played by these airports.

La presente nota si propone di fornire informazioni in merito agli organismi di regolamentazione del settore ferroviario istituiti dagli Stati membri conformemente alla direttiva 2001/14/CE. Affronta i vari modelli di disciplina in vigore nei diversi Stati membri e gli effetti della regolamentazione sul mercato ferroviario europeo.

La presente nota informativa analizza il dibattito attualmente in corso sul futuro della politica europea in materia di mobilità e trasporti. Raccoglie tendenze e sfide quali la differenziazione sociale, il cambiamento demografico e gli aspetti sociali e ne esamina il significato che assumono nel settore della mobilità e dei trasporti da una prospettiva socioambientale. Nella seconda parte, il documento procede a una disamina critica degli attuali documenti sulla futura evoluzione delle politiche ...

La presente nota intende fornire materiale informativo in merito a una serie di aspetti fondamentali che spiegano gli effetti della crisi economica sul settore del trasporto aereo nell'Unione europea. Vengono analizzati, innanzi tutto, gli effetti attuali della crisi economica sul trasporto merci e passeggeri attraverso un insieme di indicatori chiave. In secondo luogo, vengono descritti alcuni possibili scenari per lo sviluppo a medio termine del settore del trasporto aereo in relazione ai potenziali ...