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RefuelEU Aviation

In sintesi 06-09-2023

il 14 luglio 2021 la Commissione europea ha presentato il pacchetto "Pronti per il 55 %”, un insieme di proposte volte a rendere le politiche dell'UE in materia di clima, energia, uso del suolo, trasporti e fiscalità idonee a ridurre le emissioni nette di gas a effetto serra di almeno il 55 % entro il 2030. Nel pacchetto rientra l'iniziativa ReFuelEU Aviation volta a potenziare l'offerta di carburanti sostenibili per il trasporto aereo negli aeroporti dell'UE. A seguito di un accordo provvisorio ...

Ten issues to watch in 2023

Analisi approfondita 10-01-2023

This is the seventh edition of an annual EPRS publication aimed at identifying and framing some of the key issues and policy areas that have the potential to feature prominently in public debate and on the political agenda of the European Union over the coming year. The topics analysed encompass the 2024 European elections, budgeting in times of crises and war, lessons for public investment in the EU from the EU recovery instrument, the fiscal and monetary policy mix, climate and socio-economic tipping ...

The 2022 G20 Summit, to be held in Bali, Indonesia, on 15 and 16 November, will bring together the major economies' leaders in a physical meeting for the first time since the pandemic began, providing opportunities to hold informal bilateral meetings in the margins of the summit (last year, the leaders of Russia, Japan, Mexico and China chose not to attend in person). In preparation for the summit, the Indonesian Presidency has focused on three interconnected pillars, namely the global health architecture ...

Achieving climate neutrality may depend on a few technologies: The International Energy Agency scenario for net zero by 2070 predicts that half of the emissions reductions depend on low-carbon hydrogen, carbon capture, utilisation and storage (CCUS), bioenergy, and electrification of end-use sectors such as heating and transport. Further investment in research and development (R&D) is essential for helping commercialise these technologies. Yet energy sector R&D spending is stymied by high capital ...

This study analyses the role, organisational structure, tasks and financial and human resources of the Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators (ACER). ACER plays an important role in the development, integration and functioning of the electricity and gas systems and markets in the EU, and its responsibilities in these domains have since its establishment in 2011 substantially increased. Although its resources have also significantly grown, ACER is facing a structural budget shortage and had ...

Global and regional trends

Briefing 25-10-2019

The European Union’s key institutions held a joint annual conference on 14-15 October entitled ‘Challenges and Choices for Europe.’ The annual event was organised under the auspices of the European Strategy and Policy Analysis System (ESPAS), which is a framework for cooperation between the administrations of the European Parliament, European Commission, Council of the European Union, European External Action Service and other bodies, to work together on medium- and long-term trends facing or relating ...

Internal market for electricity

Briefing 12-07-2019

On 30 November 2016, the European Commission presented a legislative proposal for a regulation on the internal market for electricity, as part of a comprehensive legislative package on the energy union. The proposed regulation is aimed at making the electricity market fit for more flexibility, decarbonisation and innovation, by providing for undistorted market signals. It sets out rules for electricity trading within different time frames, and clarifies the responsibilities of market actors. It defines ...

Energy policy is a competence shared between the EU and its Member States. Whereas the EU has responsibility under the Treaties to ensure security of supply, Member States are responsible for determining the structure of their energy supply and their choice of energy sources. EU legislation on security of supply focuses on natural gas and electricity markets, and is closely related to other EU objectives: consolidating a single energy market, improving energy efficiency, and promoting renewable energy ...

The 10th Asia-Europe Parliamentary Meeting (ASEP10) will take place at the European Parliament in Brussels on 27 and 28 September 2018. The meeting will focus on climate change and environmental challenges. The final declaration will be transmitted to the 12th ASEM Summit, to be held in Brussels on 18 and 19 October 2018.

In September, Russia held its largest military exercise since 1981, the height of the Cold War, deploying 300 000 troops and also inviting Chinese forces to participate. The event highlighted Russia’s growing assertiveness in security and foreign policy, following its annexation of Crimea and military intervention in Syria. The policies of President Vladimir Putin, who was re-elected earlier this year, pose a dilemma for the European Union and the United States, with some observers accusing him of ...