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Understanding farmer income

In sintesi 11-04-2019

Farmer income is a key element in EU agricultural policy, aiming at ensuring a fair standard of living for the agricultural community and helping farmers face the risks inherent to their business. Measurement relies on two EU wide data sources. Understanding what agricultural receipts these data measure, and how, is key to evaluating farm policy in EU Member States and important in light of the proposed performance based policy framework.

Farming without plant protection products

Analisi approfondita 04-03-2019

Plant Protection Products (PPPs) are often perceived by consumers as very harmful for human health and for the environment. The tendency in the EU policy is to stimulate the reduction of PPPs. Can we maintain high yield with less PPPs? This paper presents the current state of the art regarding the role of PPPs in securing global food production, preserving biodiversity and supporting farmer’s income. The role of various stakeholders on the current perception of risk by the general public is given ...

Common agricultural policy

Briefing 12-01-2018

After World War II, Europe was in pieces, devastated and facing a shortage of food. The main objective of the European Coal and Steel Community, a new institution set up in 1952, was therefore to work to unite a fragmented Europe. Lack of food was one of earliest challenges; action at European level was necessary in order to make Europe self-sufficient in food and to secure an adequate food supply and the free flow of food and agricultural products within Europe. The common agricultural policy (CAP ...

The cattle sector is of great economic importance within the EU agricultural sector. Productivity of the sector is very heterogeneous. In the near future, a further increase in milk and bovine meat supply can be expected. To avoid a decline in farm gate prices, further product differentiation at the EU level, an increase in export opportunities as well as compensation for environmental services to support extensification will be needed.

This study presents the main trends in total factor and resource productivity in recent decades. The main pathways for sustainable intensification are explored through case studies and policy analysis. The paper presents a normative analysis of policy tools able to reconcile productivity and sustainability requirements and also provides policy recommendations to promote a resource-efficient, productive, climate-friendly and resilient EU agricultural sector.

The Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) concerns the pooling of European Union resources spent on agriculture and aimed at protecting the viable production of food, the sustainable management of natural resources and to support rural vitality. It consists of two pillars, the first includes direct payments (i.e. annual payments to farmers to help stabilise farm revenues in the face of volatile market prices and weather conditions) and market measures (to tackle specific market situations and to support ...

Innovazione nell'agricoltura dell'UE

In sintesi 02-06-2016

La commissione per l'agricoltura e lo sviluppo rurale del Parlamento europeo ha approvato una relazione d'iniziativa volta a incoraggiare la Commissione a sostenere l'innovazione agricola, considerata necessaria per incrementare sia la produttività che la sostenibilità del settore.

Nella tornata di giugno I dovrà essere discussa e posta ai voti una relazione d’iniziativa sulle soluzioni tecnologiche per un'agricoltura sostenibile. Nel contesto del cambiamento climatico, dell'aumento della domanda di alimenti dovuto alla crescita della popolazione mondiale e delle minacce per l’ambiente, la relazione afferma che l’innovazione nel campo della tecnologia agricola è fondamentale per affrontare alcune delle principali sfide odierne dell’agricoltura.

The New Alliance for Food Security and Nutrition in Africa (NAFSN) launched in May 2012 under the auspices of the G8 aims to create the conditions that will allow the African countries concerned to improve agricultural productivity and develop their agrifood sector by attracting more private investment in agriculture. The participating countries (Burkina Faso, Benin, Côte d'Ivoire, Ethiopia, Ghana, Malawi, Mozambique, Nigeria, Senegal and Tanzania) adopted 'country cooperation frameworks' (CCFs) ...

This document analyses EU-Ukraine relations in the agri-food sector. After a presentation of Ukraine’s agri-food sector and trade flows of agri-food products, the analysis focuses on EU support to Ukrainian agriculture and on the latest developments in Ukraine’s agri-food law.