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I lunghi negoziati sul bilancio dell'UE e sulla politica agricola post-2020 hanno convinto la Commissione europea a proporre norme nel 2019 per garantire la continuità del sostegno dell'UE agli agricoltori e alle zone rurali. Durante la tornata di dicembre il Parlamento europeo prevede di discutere e di votare in merito a tali disposizioni transitorie, prorogando l'attuale politica agricola dell'UE fino all'entrata in vigore del nuovo quadro della politica agricola comune (ossia fino alla fine del ...

Ogni anno milioni di agricoltori in tutta Europa beneficiano del sostegno al reddito degli agricoltori dell'UE. La base giuridica attuale per questo sostegno copre gli anni dal 2014 al 2020. I ritardi nel processo di negoziazione del bilancio dell'UE e della politica agricola per il periodo 2021-2027 rendono necessaria l'adozione di disposizioni transitorie per assicurare che le norme attuali continuino ad essere applicate. Durante la plenaria di dicembre sarà posta ai voti una proposta della Commissione ...

Understanding farmer income

In sintesi 11-04-2019

Farmer income is a key element in EU agricultural policy, aiming at ensuring a fair standard of living for the agricultural community and helping farmers face the risks inherent to their business. Measurement relies on two EU wide data sources. Understanding what agricultural receipts these data measure, and how, is key to evaluating farm policy in EU Member States and important in light of the proposed performance based policy framework.

This study provides an assessment of the structure and type of interventions as proposed by the European Commission on the CAP beyond 2020 (Title III of the proposal COM(2018) 392). All Direct Payment and Rural development interventions have been examined in the context of the main agricultural and environmental challenges the EU faces. A set of recommendation is made for the improvement of specific instruments and to address policy priorities and level playing field concerns.

This study surveys the current status of large carnivores in Europe and assesses their impact on livestock from the available data on compensation payments and from field research. Recommendations on livestock protection measures are provided, as well on the integration of these into locally adapted holistic management systems.

Common agricultural policy

Briefing 12-01-2018

After World War II, Europe was in pieces, devastated and facing a shortage of food. The main objective of the European Coal and Steel Community, a new institution set up in 1952, was therefore to work to unite a fragmented Europe. Lack of food was one of earliest challenges; action at European level was necessary in order to make Europe self-sufficient in food and to secure an adequate food supply and the free flow of food and agricultural products within Europe. The common agricultural policy (CAP ...

The proposed 'omnibus regulation' to amend EU financial rules represents the first occasion that changes to the basic regulations of the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) have been formally proposed since the 2013 reform. These changes represent policy choices involving a fine-tuning and simplification of the CAP. Parliament is due to vote on the proposal during the December plenary session.

La riforma del 2003 e la valutazione dello stato di salute del 2009 hanno in gran parte dissociato il sostegno diretto, trasferendolo al nuovo regime di pagamento unico (RPU) o, per i nuovi Stati membri, al regime semplificato di pagamento per superficie. Il nuovo regolamento (UE) n. 1307/2013 definisce il nuovo sistema di pagamenti diretti a decorrere dal 1o°gennaio 2015.

Renewable energy in EU agriculture

In sintesi 23-11-2016

The agricultural sector accounts for almost 10 % of greenhouse gas emissions in the European Union, mainly for food production and transport. In recent years, European farmers have made efforts to significantly reduce this environmental footprint by increasing their consumption and production of renewable energy, which is derived from natural resources that are naturally replenished. While there is enormous potential for the production of renewable energy on farms due to the availability of wind, ...

The Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) concerns the pooling of European Union resources spent on agriculture and aimed at protecting the viable production of food, the sustainable management of natural resources and to support rural vitality. It consists of two pillars, the first includes direct payments (i.e. annual payments to farmers to help stabilise farm revenues in the face of volatile market prices and weather conditions) and market measures (to tackle specific market situations and to support ...