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Il presente documento rappresenta la sintesi dello studio sui servizi postali nell'UE. Lo studio completo, disponibile in inglese, può essere scaricato al seguente indirizzo: http://bit.ly/2rupi0O

The study investigates the potential impacts on the EU-27 of a no-deal scenario in the Brexit process, focusing on the transport, postal and tourism sectors. The study analyses both the economic policy and legislative dimension, detailing the practical consequences of such a new status quo. Alternatives to safeguard the EU interests are also discussed in the document and a set of practical recommendations is formulated. A no-deal scenario would seriously hurt both the UK and the EU-27 at least in ...

High prices and the inconvenience of cross-border parcel delivery have been identified as being among the main obstacles to greater uptake of e-commerce among European consumers and retailers. Research shows that current cross-border parcel delivery prices charged by universal service providers can be almost five times higher than domestic parcel delivery prices. To remedy the situation, the European Commission presented a legislative proposal on cross-border parcel delivery services as part of its ...

Consegna transfrontaliera dei pacchi

In sintesi 06-03-2018

Tra le iniziative intese a promuovere il commercio elettronico e rendere più agevoli gli acquisti online per i consumatori, la Commissione europea ha proposto un regolamento sui servizi di consegna transfrontaliera dei pacchi. Esso mira a migliorare la trasparenza e rafforzare il controllo normativo del settore della consegna transfrontaliera dei pacchi, al fine di promuovere la concorrenza e ridurre i prezzi di consegna. A dicembre 2017, i negoziati di trilogo hanno condotto ad un accordo provvisorio ...

CETA and public services

Analisi approfondita 10-02-2017

EU-Canada negotiations for a Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA) began in May 2009 and concluded in September 2014. Signed in October 2016, the agreement's overall aim is to increase flows of goods, services and investment. This publication analyses the extent to which public services are protected in CETA. The trade agreement takes the public sector into account by means of a (general) public sector carve-out and specific reservations introduced by the EU and the Member States in the ...

Effective and affordable parcel delivery is a pre-condition for cross-border trade in physical goods. At present, consumers and shippers in different Member States face very different prices, service levels, and volumes of e-commerce parcels differ hugely by Member State. These shortcomings represent a major impediment to cross-border e-commerce, and thus the Digital Single Market. This in-depth analysis reviews the performance of EU markets for parcel delivery, and discusses concerns and policy ...

I servizi postali, un settore tradizionale, continuano a svolgere un ruolo di sostegno fondamentale alla coesione territoriale, sociale ed economica dell'Unione. A partire dall'apertura totale del mercato dei servizi postali nell'Unione nel 2008, il settore ha conosciuto profondi cambiamenti, come ad esempio il calo delle spedizioni di lettere, il rapido sviluppo della comunicazione e del commercio elettronici e la comparsa di nuove esigenze dei consumatori. Una relazione di iniziativa del Parlamento ...

The ongoing and anticipated impact of digitalisation and the digital single market not only provides opportunities, but also presents challenges in terms of the job dynamics and changes in working conditions. The net effects of digitalisation on employment are ambiguous, but job losses in certain sectors are inevitable. Classic employer-employee relationships are also under pressure. The transformation of jobs calls for different skills requirements which could lead to growing skill gaps and mismatch ...

Cost of Non-Europe Reports identify the possibilities for economic or other gains and/or the realisation of a ‘public good’ through common action at EU level in specific policy areas and sectors. This Cost of Non-Europe Report seeks to analyse the costs for citizens, businesses and relevant stake-holders of remaining gaps and barriers in the European Single Market, building on and updating the 1988 Cecchini Report, which quantified its potential benefits. This particular study - the third in a series ...

Regional press in the EU

Briefing 17-12-2010

The current crisis in the press sector has particularly hit the regional press. State support measures in this sector are in place in most Member States.