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Most of the world's farmers are engaged in small scale agriculture. The majority of them are in developing countries but there are many in developed countries as well. Small farms make up the vast majority of the EU's 10 million farms. What constitutes a small farm depends on the context. However, improving the conditions of small-scale food producers is a global objective. Recent studies have lowered past estimates of how much of the global food supply is produced by small farms. Notwithstanding ...

This at-a-glance note is the summary of the study providing an overview of the effect of the decline in the number of farms across the EU on the European farming model (EFM), which is built around the notion of multifunctionality and provision of public goods by agriculture. It concludes that in order to foster sustainability and resilience, the EFM and policy must embrace the emerging diversity of farmer profiles and stimulate socially desirable adaptive strategies that preserve the multifunctionality ...

Nel corso degli anni l'UE ha messo a punto un sistema statistico che consente di elaborare politiche meglio informate e di attuarle in maniera più efficace. Nell'ambito di un ampio processo di modernizzazione delle statistiche agricole, la proposta di revisione del regolamento sui conti economici dell'agricoltura formalizzerebbe la comunicazione dei dati agricoli regionali. Il Parlamento dovrebbe procedere a una votazione sulla relazione in prima lettura durante la tornata di marzo I.

The European agricultural statistics system (EASS) is undergoing a major transformation, aiming to improve data quality by taking a more systemic and efficient approach. The modernisation process began some years ago with an evaluation of existing agricultural statistics. To complete the process, in February 2021, the European Commission put forward two proposals on statistics: on inputs and outputs of agricultural activities and on regional economic accounts for agriculture. The European Parliament ...

In the context of modernising the European agricultural statistics system (EASS), updated rules have been published by the European Commission on statistics for EU farming, including the organic sector, covering both inputs and outputs for crops and animals, pesticides, nutrients, agricultural prices, etc. The new legislative proposal is the outcome of an evaluation process underlying that existing legal and methodological structure of agricultural statistics does not take into account future needs ...

The July plenary session highlights were: the continuation of the debate on the Future of Europe, this time with the Prime Minister of Poland, Mateusz Morawiecki, the discussion on the outcome of the European Council meeting of 28-29 June 2018, and the review of the Bulgarian and presentation of the activities of the Austrian Presidencies. The European Commission and Council participated in discussions on the Ebola outbreak in the Democratic Republic of Congo. VP/HR Federica Mogherini's statement ...

Le politiche dell'UE si evolvono e si adeguano al mutare delle circostanze e, di conseguenza, le statistiche europee devono svilupparsi e soddisfare in maniera efficiente le esigenze degli utenti in termini di informazioni. Le nuove tecnologie possono contribuire a mettere insieme e integrare diverse fonti di dati senza gravare eccessivamente sui produttori di dati. Le statistiche sulle aziende agricole costituiscono la colonna portante del sistema delle statistiche agricole europee. Per incrementarne ...

It is estimated that by 2050, 67 % of the world's population will live in urban areas. Increasing concerns over food security coupled with concerns over climate change have helped to promote interest in urban agriculture and the role it can play in respect of food security. The present paper aims to provide an overview of urban agriculture by examining it as it relates to issues of food security, the economy, social dimensions and the environment. Using short case studies and drawing on research ...

The EU's beekeeping sector

In sintesi 24-10-2017

Every year, the EU's 600 000 beekeepers and their 16 million beehives produce 200 000 tonnes of honey. This is not however sufficient to cover demand on the EU market, and the shortfall is made up by imports, above all from China. Threats to bee health and market competition make the economic viability of apiculture a critical matter. EU policies aim therefore to address these issues and promote beekeeping, an activity that is of vital importance to the environment.

La politica agricola comune in cifre

Note tematiche sull'UE 01-10-2017

Le tabelle in appresso mostrano i dati statistici di base di vari settori della politica agricola comune (PAC), ovvero: il settore agricolo e l'industria alimentare negli Stati membri (tabella II), l'integrazione delle problematiche ambientali nella PAC (tabella III), la silvicoltura (tabella IV), il finanziamento e le spese della PAC (tabelle I e V) e gli scambi di prodotti agricoli e alimentari (tabella VI).