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The Roma are Europe's largest ethnic minority. Out of an estimated total of 10 to 12 million Roma in Europe as a whole, some 6 million live in the European Union (EU) and most of them are citizens of an EU Member State. A significant number of Roma people live in very poor socio-economic conditions. The social exclusion, discrimination and segregation they face are mutually reinforcing. Their restricted access to education and difficulties entering the labour market result in low income and poor ...

In 2020, the Commission launched a review of the Solvency II Directive, the EU's legal prudential regulatory framework for (re-)insurance companies, which entered into force in 2016. As one output of the review, the Commission made a proposal in September 2021 for a new directive establishing a framework for recovery and resolution of insurance companies – the 'IRRD proposal'. The IRRD proposal would establish harmonised recovery and resolution tools and procedures, with enhanced cross-border cooperation ...

Renewable energy in the EU

In sintesi 04-03-2024

Due to the recent energy crisis, there is a growing focus on renewable energy sources within the European Union (EU) as a possible solution to challenges such as energy security and high prices. The 2023 Renewable Energy Directive (RED) requires the EU to achieve a 42.5 % share of renewable energy sources (RES) in gross final energy consumption by 2030. As of 2022, the EU has reached a 23 % share of renewables in its energy consumption. In analysing the EU’s energy landscape, it is crucial to note ...

Mental health in the EU

Briefing 12-07-2023

Mental health has become a major issue of public health, and economic and social concern across the whole of the EU. Collecting data is crucial for monitoring mental health, developing effective policies and addressing the growing mental health challenges. It is estimated that more than 84 million people in the EU are struggling with mental health problems. The COVID-19 pandemic and the subsequent economic crisis have placed a huge strain on everyone's mental health. The restrictive measures taken ...

Stress-testing is a promising foresight policy tool that can support the design of EU policies able to withstand the shocks and challenges of both the present day and the years to come. This study explores how the European Parliament could use stress-tests to identify weak points in EU legislation and avenues for further EU action. The study draws on the findings of a stress-test of EU rail transport policy and recommendations from an expert practitioner of foresight and regulatory policy. It finds ...

This At a glance note summarises the study providing a comprehensive analysis of the most common types of marine pollutants in the Mediterranean Sea and focusing on the accelerating accumulation of marine litter and plastics in the Mediterranean Sea. It presents the actions taken by EU Mediterranean regions and cities to respond to diverse pollutants, waste contamination, marine litter and plastic pollution in the marine environment. Based on this assessment, policy recommendations are put forward ...

The effective management of the EU's external borders is a prerequisite for creating the EU area of freedom, security and justice. In response to an unprecedented influx of refugees and immigrants into Europe in the 2015-2016 period, the EU took steps to strengthen the management of its external borders, and to reform the common European asylum system. Several major challenges have affected the EU's external borders in recent years. The COVID-19 pandemic pushed Member States to adopt extraordinary ...

La proposta di revisione del regolamento LULUCF è stata inclusa nel pacchetto "Pronti per il 55 %" della Commissione europea. La funzione di pozzo di assorbimento del carbonio svolto dai settori LULUCF è parte fondamentale del percorso dell'Unione verso la neutralità in termini di emissioni di carbonio. L'11 novembre 2022 il Parlamento europeo e il Consiglio hanno raggiunto un accordo di trilogo sulla proposta. Il testo concordato sarà votato durante la tornata di marzo I del Parlamento.

Il Parlamento dovrebbe votare in Aula, a marzo, una relazione della commissione per l'industria, la ricerca e l'energia (ITRE) sulla proposta di revisione della direttiva sulla prestazione energetica nell'edilizia, che fa parte del pacchetto "Pronti per il 55 %". Una volta approvata, tale relazione definirà la posizione del Parlamento per i negoziati di trilogo con il Consiglio.

In qualità di membro della commissione per la conservazione del tonno australe (CCSBT), l'Unione europea è tenuta a recepire le misure da essa adottate, in modo che queste si applichino ai pescherecci battenti bandiera di uno Stato membro dell'UE. Durante la tornata di febbraio I, il Parlamento dovrebbe votare un accordo provvisorio con il Consiglio finalizzato a recepire le misure di conservazione e di gestione della pesca adottate da questa organizzazione intergovernativa.