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This document provides an overview of the public hearings of the Chair of the Supervisory Board of the European Central Bank in the ECON Committee during the 9th parliamentary term (since July 2019), and lists all research papers requested by the ECON Committee, which are in general provided by a standing panel of banking experts. The annex gives an overview of the respective legal bases for those hearings, which form part of the accountability framework of the Single Supervisory Mechanism (SSM). ...

The creation and formalisation of the European Parliament's political groups goes back to June 1953 and the establishment of the European Coal and Steel Community's Common Assembly. This briefing analyses the evolution of the groups' structures and trajectories until the European elections in 2019. It shows how the conflict between national, political and transnational ideological allegiances of delegated Members of the Common Assembly was already present from the start, providing an important impetus ...

Quando Jean Monnet concepì per la prima volta il piano Schuman, dal nome del ministro degli Esteri francese Robert Schuman, il piano non includeva nemmeno un'assemblea parlamentare. L'Assemblea comune, istituita successivamente per la Comunità europea del carbone e dell'acciaio, era composta da delegati dei parlamenti nazionali che disponevano solo di poteri di vigilanza limitati e inefficaci. Nonostante le sue umili origini, tuttavia, i delegati sono riusciti a stabilire traiettorie a lungo termine ...

How the EU Treaties are modified

Briefing 30-08-2022

With the Conference on the Future of Europe now at an end, a new phase has started: that of following up on the more than 320 recommendations it produced. This process is however a complicated one. Legally, ways to implement the Conference's recommendations may require changes to the European Union (EU) Treaties, which is a complex and challenging process. Politically, debating how to implement reforms and deciding to what extent to modify the EU legal system may require intense negotiations. The ...

The European Council brings together the Heads of State or Government of the 27 EU Member States in regular 'summit' meetings which seek to define the overall political direction and priorities of the European Union. This Briefing offers a selection of key facts and figures about this institution, detailing its membership, role, work and development over time.

European defence cooperation has been a 'rolling' item on the European Council's agenda for the past decade and will continue to feature high as the new Strategic Compass is being implemented. Russia's war on Ukraine has altered the European security architecture, accelerating cooperation in defence, a policy area where the European Council has shown both commitment, by issuing periodic policy guidelines and following up on them, and continuity, by maintaining the topic on its agenda on a regular ...

The role of the European Council – to 'provide the Union with the necessary impetus for its development' and to define its 'general political directions and priorities' – has evolved rapidly over the last decade. Since June 2014, the European Council Oversight Unit within the European Parliamentary Research Service (EPRS), the European Parliament's in-house research service and think tank, has been monitoring and analysing the European Council's delivery on commitments made in the conclusions of ...

This paper looks at the evolution of the European Parliament's question time since its introduction in 1973 to the present day. It tracks this evolution through successive reforms and examines the reasons why question time was discontinued in January 2013. In looking at how question time is designed in selected Member States and in the United Kingdom, this paper also highlights the various elements that may have an impact on the dynamics of question time.

Dopo anni di stallo, nel giugno 2021 i negoziatori del Parlamento e del Consiglio hanno raggiunto un accordo provvisorio su una proposta del 2016 di modifica del regolamento sull'Ufficio europeo di sostegno per l'asilo (EASO). Questa agenzia dell'UE fornisce strumenti e assistenza operativa per aiutare gli Stati membri a prepararsi all'afflusso di richiedenti asilo e ad attuare sul campo la legislazione dell'UE in materia di asilo. L'EASO sostiene inoltre gli Stati membri che subiscono particolari ...

Durante la sessione plenaria di giugno I, il Consiglio e la Commissione europea dovrebbero rispondere alle interrogazioni orali della commissione per gli affari costituzionali (AFCO) del Parlamento europeo sulla proposta del Parlamento di abrogare la decisione n. 95/167/CE (che attualmente disciplina il diritto d'inchiesta del Parlamento) e adottare un nuovo regolamento per rafforzare i suoi poteri d'indagine. Sottolineando la riluttanza del Consiglio ad avviare negoziati politici con il Parlamento ...