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European long-term investment funds (ELTIFs) invest on a long-term basis in infrastructure projects, real estate, and small and medium-sized enterprises, among other things. While the legislative framework – the ELTIF Regulation – for these funds was adopted six years ago, their market remains small. For this reason, the Commission has proposed amending the ELTIF Regulation to make it more appealing to investors. The key mulled changes involve differentiating between ELTIFs marketed to professional ...

Nel corso della tornata di luglio il Parlamento voterà sulla relazione 2019 sulle attività finanziarie della Banca europea per gli investimenti, elaborata dalla commissione per i bilanci. Tra le altre cose, la relazione sottolinea la necessità che la banca ponga maggiormente l'accento sul clima, la digitalizzazione e una transizione giusta, che investa ulteriormente nell'UE e al di fuori di essa, che offra un sostegno costante alle piccole e medie imprese (PMI) e alle imprese a media capitalizzazione ...

By promoting a high level of employment, the European Union (EU) has been involved in the fight against unemployment since as long ago as the early 1950s. The issue was brought to the top of the European agenda with the onset of the 2008 economic and financial crisis, and the consequent rise in unemployment rates in all European Union (EU) Member States. In its Europe 2020 strategy, the European Commission set a target to get 75 % of 20 to 64 year-olds into employment by 2020. EU labour market conditions ...

Over the six decades during which the World Bank has been active in Europe, its engagement has evolved hand in hand with the development of the continent. Initially supporting reconstruction efforts after World War II, it later shifted the focus of its action to development support. In the past, as today, it has provided financing, knowledge and assistance to countries seeking to join the European Union. As a starting point in providing a deeper insight into how the World Bank contributes to the ...

Nel corso della sessione plenaria di maggio I il Parlamento europeo è chiamato a discutere la relazione finanziaria della Banca europea per gli investimenti (BEI) per l'anno 2016. La crescente importanza della BEI, sia in termini di bilancio che dei suoi vari contributi al finanziamento in diversi settori di attività, richiede un elevato livello di trasparenza e di responsabilità. Sebbene la commissione per il controllo dei bilanci (CONT) del Parlamento europeo riconosca alcuni progressi a tale riguardo ...

Il 14 settembre 2016 la Commissione ha proposto di prorogare la durata del Fondo europeo per gli investimenti strategici (FEIS) fino al 31 dicembre 2020, con conseguenti cambiamenti in termini di governance e capacità finanziaria. L'accordo raggiunto in sede di trilogo sarà votato durante la tornata di dicembre.

The European Union has not yet fully recovered from the global financial and economic crisis. GDP growth rates have begun to increase only slowly, and in most EU Member States investment activity lags behind pre-crisis levels – indicating sizable investment gaps. In fact, gross fixed capital formation in the euro area has declined by 15% since 2007. In 2014, the European Investment Bank (EIB), the EU's public bank and largest multilateral lending institution, contributed financing of €80.3 billion ...

This Paper examines the role played by National Promotional Banks and Regional Promotional Banks in implementing EU SME financial instruments across EU-28, to examine how far they are already involved in implementing these instruments and in what capacity they help to strengthen access to finance for SMEs. The focus is on instruments implemented under shared management, as well as on those implemented under direct management by the European Commission and indirect management by the EIB and the ...

The aim of this study is to provide a comprehensive analysis and assessment of how the European Investment Bank contributes to the achievement of Cohesion Policy objectives. The study finds that the role of the European Investment Bank in Cohesion Policy increased significantly in the 2007-13 programme period and continues to increase in 2014-20. Research results show that there is limited understanding of the effectiveness of European Investment Bank contributions to Cohesion Policy. In order to ...