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That the EU imports almost 60 % of its energy shows that real EU strategic autonomy in energy is far from achieved. The current energy crisis poses a risk to all four EU energy policy objectives. Crisis in the energy market is causing public and private debt and inflation, which risks destabilizing the European energy market. While diversifying gas imports away from Russia reduces dependency on one big supplier, reliance on several other third countries implies new supply risks. Although high fossil ...

Over the past centuries, humanity has used an increasing share of the known elements to foster technological innovation, in particular metals. Today, a wide range of key technologies across all industries, from chips to batteries, medical imaging to tanks, rely on the unique physical properties of some specific critical raw materials (CRMs). Demand for CRMs is projected to skyrocket in the coming years. However, as the transition to 'net-zero' and the digital age is particularly materials-intensive ...

Governance of the energy union

Briefing 16-01-2019

The Commission proposed a regulation on governance of the energy union, as part of its Clean Energy package (30 November 2016). The proposal aims to simplify the process of monitoring progress and help to implement the goals of Energy Union, in particular the 2030 EU targets on renewables, energy efficiency and greenhouse gas emissions. National energy and climate plans are to be prepared for the 2021-2030 period, followed by progress reports. Both plans and reports will use binding templates, and ...

Russia and other energy-rich authoritarian states use their energy exports for economic gains but also as a tool of foreign policy leverage. This study looks at the ways and methods these states have used to exert political pressure through their energy supplies, and what it means for the European Union. Most energy-rich authoritarian states use their energy wealth to ensure regime survival. But, more than others, Russia uses its energy wealth as well to protect and promote its interests in its ‘ ...

In April 2017, European Energy Commissioner, Maroš Šefčovič, commented that no commercial project has ever been so intensely debated as the Nord Stream 2 pipeline. Opponents of the pipeline are above all worried about its geopolitical and energy security implications.

Reti transeuropee — orientamenti

Note tematiche sull'UE 01-06-2017

Il trattato sul funzionamento dell'Unione europea (TFUE) mantiene le reti transeuropee (TEN) nel settore dei trasporti, dell'energia e delle telecomunicazioni, menzionate per la prima volta nel trattato di Maastricht, per collegare tutte le regioni dell'UE. Le reti sono strumenti preposti a contribuire alla crescita del mercato interno e all'occupazione, perseguendo allo stesso tempo obiettivi ambientali e di sviluppo sostenibile. Alla fine del 2013 la rete transeuropea dei trasporti è stata oggetto ...

Governance of the Energy Union

Briefing 28-02-2017

Overall, the IA presents a comprehensive description and explanation of the problem, and options to resolve it by means of an EU-wide legislative action integrating planning, reporting and monitoring requirements of a range of existing legislation into a single regulation. The lack of quantitative evidence, and the fact that the economic, social and environmental impacts are not assessed to an equal degree, is perhaps understandable, given the nature of the action proposed, which is focused strictly ...

What options exist, especially in terms of new technologies, for reducing the carbon footprint of the livestock industry, how effective might they be, and what could be done to encourage their implementation? The livestock industry is responsible for around 14.5 % of global greenhouse gas emissions. The magnitude of this percentage is due to the emission of large amounts of methane and nitrous oxide, which both result in greater global warming than carbon dioxide per gram of gas released. The main ...

Energy as a subject of relations between the EU and the USA has been characterised by considerable synergy on security of supply issues, and efforts to enhance free trade in energy products and services, cooperate on geopolitical challenges and nuclear safety, reduce greenhouse gas emissions and promote renewable energy sources. The recent lifting of US export restrictions on crude oil and natural gas is likely to increase energy trade with the EU, and allow Member States to benefit from lower energy ...

Nel febbraio 2016 la Commissione europea ha pubblicato una comunicazione su una "strategia dell'UE in materia di gas naturale liquefatto e stoccaggio del gas", quale parte del pacchetto sulla sicurezza energetica sostenibile. La Commissione ritiene che il miglioramento dell'accesso degli Stati membri dell'UE alle importazioni di gas naturale liquefatto (GNL), nonché lo sviluppo di un più efficace stoccaggio del gas a livello transfrontaliero, contribuirebbero a migliorare la sicurezza dell'approvvigionamento ...