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Il 5 aprile 2022, la Commissione europea ha presentato una proposta di regolamento sui gas fluorurati a effetto serra (gas fluorurati) che abrogherebbe l'attuale regolamento sui gas fluorurati. La proposta mira a ridurre ulteriormente le emissioni di gas fluorurati. Modificherebbe l'attuale sistema di quote, riducendo gradualmente la fornitura di idrofluorocarburi (HFC) sul mercato dell'UE al 2,4% dei livelli del 2015 entro il 2048. Vieterebbe inoltre i gas fluorurati in applicazioni specifiche e ...

This study explores the main impacts of the smart city transition on our cities and, in particular, on citizens and territories. In our research, we start from an analysis of smart city use cases to identify a set of key challenges, and elaborate on the main accelerating factors that may amplify or contain their impact on particular groups and territories. We then present an account of best practices that can help mitigate or prevent such challenges, and make some general observations on their scalability ...

Executive Vice-President Dombrovskis and Commissioner Gentiloni have been invited to the eighth Recovery and Resilience Dialogue (RRD) under the Recovery and Resilience Facility Regulation. This briefing presents some developments relating to the implementation of Recovery and Resilience Facility (RRF) since the previous RRD that took place on 21 November 2022. It covers the latest positive assessments by the Commission of payment requests (i.e. Greece, Portugal and Malta), adoption of revised Recovery ...

Reviews of existing legislation provide an evidence-based assessment of the performance of policies and legislation. Review findings support political decision-making and inform the design of possible future revisions. The systematic review of legislation has become a key policy-making tool at EU level, most notably in the context of the EU's better regulation agenda. This rolling check-list has been published periodically since 2014. It contributes to the European Parliament's scrutiny of the European ...

According to a recent European Parliamentary Research Service Cost of Non-Europe (CONE) report, ambitious and united European Union (EU) action in climate and energy policy could be very beneficial, bringing gains of up to 5.6 % of gross domestic product (GDP), equal to €1 trillion additional GDP per year in 2050, compared to a continuation of the status quo (see Figure 1). However, failure to arrive at a common approach, in particular by collectively addressing volatile energy prices and systemic ...

The 16th Sustainable Development Goal (SDG16) to 'Promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, provide access to justice for all and build effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels' represents a new milestone compared with the earlier millennium development goals. While several of its targets (such as peace, corruption-free institutions and freedom from violence) were once seen as prerequisites of sustainable development, the adoption of SDG16 marked ...

This in-depth analysis commissioned by the European Parliament’s Policy Department for Citizens’ Rights and Constitutional Affairs at the request of the JURI Committee, looks at the past and current developments in the EU better regulation agenda. The author finds that, despite important achievements that put the EU at the forefront in this field, many of the most ambitious reforms announced over the past few years are still far from complete. The in-depth analysis offers several policy recommendations ...

L'obiettivo di una migliore regolamentazione è rendere le leggi e le politiche dell'Unione europea più semplici, più mirate e più facili da rispettare. Dall'inizio degli anni 2000 "Legiferare meglio" figura tra le priorità dell'agenda europea e nell'aprile 2021 la Commissione europea ha pubblicato una nuova comunicazione su questo tema. Il Parlamento discuterà e voterà la relazione della commissione JURI su tale comunicazione durante la tornata di luglio.

Lo studio dal titolo "Practices on the side earnings of EU Public Office Holders and Functionaries" (Pratiche sui compensi accessori dei titolari di cariche pubbliche e dei funzionari dell'UE) è stato effettuato per conto della commissione per il controllo dei bilanci del Parlamento europeo nel 2022. Lo studio evidenzia differenze significative riguardo alle norme applicate nelle varie istituzioni dell'UE e negli Stati membri. Mette in luce una serie di buone pratiche e le possibili implicazioni ...

This briefing examines the revised Better Regulation guidelines and toolbox the European Commission presented in November 2021, which translate the Commission’s communication ‘Joining forces to make better laws’ into practice. Compared to the previous edition, many tools and principles are just validated and adjusted, such as the three pillars of ex-ante impact assessment, ex-post evaluation and stakeholder consultation, or the evaluate-first principle. Two major innovations stand out: the introduction ...