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Toliau pateikiamose lentelėse nurodyti pagrindiniai statistiniai keleto su bendra žemės ūkio politika (BŽŪP) susijusių sričių duomenys: valstybių narių žemės ūkio ir maisto pramonės (II lentelė), aplinkos veiksnių įtraukimo į BŽŪP (III lentelė), miškų sektoriaus (IV lentelė), BŽŪP finansavimo ir išlaidų (I ir V lentelės) ir prekybos žemės ūkio ir maisto produktais (VI lentelė).

This document was requested by the European Parliament's Committee on Agriculture and Rural Development. It contains two notes, drawn up within the framework of the Workshop on 'Measures at farm level to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from EU agriculture', which was held on 21 January 2014, during a COMAGRI meeting in Brussels. Note 1: Agriculture plays a key role in mitigating climate change. Mitigation measures at farm level have been shown to be effective, and the new CAP reform should help ...

How should Europe respond to the increased demands on our food and agriculture systems arising from global population growth, changing diets, and competing demands on agricultural land? This report offers a view on how the EU could play a role in meeting these challenges in the coming decades and sets out some of the options which merit particular attention. It focuses on options for increasing agricultural productivity whilst adapting to the effects of climate change and reducing emissions from ...