
Jūsų rezultatai

Rodoma 10 iš 40 rezultatai

Europos Sąjunga, siekdama skatinti bendrą darnią plėtrą, stiprina savo ekonominę, socialinę ir teritorinę sanglaudą. ES ypač siekia mažinti įvairių regionų išsivystymo lygio skirtumus. Šiuo požiūriu ypatingas dėmesys skiriamas kaimo vietovėms, pramonės pereinamojo laikotarpio poveikį patiriančioms vietovėms bei didelių ir nuolatinių gamtinių arba demografinių trūkumų turinčioms vietovėms, pavyzdžiui, labai retai apgyvendintiems toliausiai į šiaurę esantiems regionams bei salų, pasienio ir kalnuotoms ...

Regioninė valstybės pagalba

FACT_SHEET 01-11-2017

Regioninės valstybės pagalbos tikslas – skatinti ekonominę plėtrą ir darbo vietų kūrimą nepalankiausias sąlygas turinčiuose Europos regionuose.

Implementation of EFSI 1.0

Glaustai 07-06-2017

The European Fund for Strategic Investments (EFSI) Regulation entered into force on 4 July 2015, aimed at providing the legal framework and budgetary allocations for the first two of the three strands of the Investment Plan for Europe. These are: (1) the mobilisation of at least €315 billion in additional investment over the coming three years (2015-2018); and (2) targeted initiatives to ensure that this extra investment meets the needs of the real economy. The Committee on Budgets (BUDG) and the ...

Europos socialinis fondas

FACT_SHEET 01-06-2017

Europos socialinis fondas (ESF) įsteigtas pagal Romos sutartį, siekiant pagerinti darbuotojų judumo ir įsidarbinimo bendrojoje rinkoje galimybes. Jo uždaviniai ir veiklos taisyklės vėliau buvo keičiami, reaguojant į besikeičiančią ekonominę ir užimtumo padėtį valstybėse narėse ir į ES lygmeniu apibrėžtų politikos prioritetų raidą.

This paper provides an overview of the European Fund for Strategic Investments (EFSI) as a budgetary instrument. A preliminary analysis of the quantitative impact of the first year and a half of activity is complemented by an outline of the corollary policies that can determine the success of EFSI.

Targeted sanctions against individuals and entities suspected of supporting terrorism are an important part of the United Nations Security Council's counter-terrorism programme. Under the main counter-terrorist sanctions regimes created under Chapter VII of the United Nations (UN) Charter, UN member states are obliged to impose an asset freeze, travel ban and arms embargo on persons and entities designated by the United National Security Council (UNSC), and also to take all necessary domestic measures ...

This study provides a comprehensive and systematic analysis of the existing scope for synergies between ESIF and other EU instruments contributing to Europe 2020 goals. It identifies different arenas for the pursuit of synergies (regulatory settings, governance arrangements, strategic frameworks and implementation approaches), noting achievement thus far, and, looking towards 2020, assessing the potential for maximising synergies.

E-Cohesion requirements as outlined in Article 122(3) of the draft Common Provisions Regulation for the 2014-2020 European Structural and Investment Funds programme period aim at reducing the administrative burden for beneficiaries of Cohesion Policy. This study looks at the e-Cohesion options presented in the Partnership Agreements and the state of play of their implementation. Most Member States developed functioning IT systems in the previous programming period and these are now being further ...

This document analyses the following topics: - MFF Review/revision, adjustment of cohesion policy envelopes; - Scope of the MFF Review/Revision - according to Commission sources; - Main policy objectives of the MFF review with relevance for cohesion policy; - Post 2020 MFF: its duration and strategic alignment to Union objectives.

This Paper examines the role played by National Promotional Banks and Regional Promotional Banks in implementing EU SME financial instruments across EU-28, to examine how far they are already involved in implementing these instruments and in what capacity they help to strengthen access to finance for SMEs. The focus is on instruments implemented under shared management, as well as on those implemented under direct management by the European Commission and indirect management by the EIB and the ...