ACP-EU Relations after 2020: State of Play

Pārskats 01-12-2014

The question of the form of post-2020 relations between the EU and ACP countries will soon acquire political visibility. The ACP group of states has established an Eminent Persons Group (EPG) to examine the options for the future of the ACP group and the post-Cotonou situation. The forthcoming EPG report aims to advance realistic, doable and reachable recommendations that will require political support from the highest level. The EU development Commissioner has noted the possibility of agreeing overarching principles with ACP countries, coupled with specific regional programmes. A public consultation will take place in 2015. A potential division exists between EU Member States favouring the status quo and those seeking to establish a new framework. The JPA should ensure that a strong parliamentary branch is part of the new framework – whatever form the framework takes. An ambitious JPA position could play a role in shaping future ACP-EU relations.